Darb el Sim – The old church of Our Lady of the Annunciation

Darb El Sim, Lebanon

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كنيسة سيّدة البشارة القديمة

Darb Es-Sim



كنيسة سيّدة البشارة القديمة - درب السيمبنى الصليبيّون الكنيسة في القرن الثاني عشر بهندسةٍ دفاعيّةٍ، الكنيسة مؤلفة من سوقٍ واحدة بعقدٍ مصالبٍ. مع رحيل الصليبيّين أصبح البناء بيد مشايخ آل الجواد الشيعة الذين حافظوا عليه طوال قرون. مع قدوم الموارنة إلى البلدة في القرن الثامن عشر، أعاد لهم الشيخ منصور الجواد البناء، فأعادوا تكريس الكنيسة وبناء المذبح. خربت الكنيسة في أحداث ١٨٦٠ و١٩٨٥ ورمّمت مرّتين.لوحة سيّدة البشارة هي من محفوظات الكنيسة الجديدة، من عمل الرسّام أندريه نمّور.The old church of Our Lady of the Annunciation - Darb el SimThe church was built by the crusaders in the XIIth century. The structure consists of a single nave with a crossed vault, and many defensive elements. After the crusaders left, the structure was left with a feudal Shia family, the Sheikhs of Al Jawad. With the settlement of the Maronites in the village during the XVIIIth century, Sheikh Mansour Al Jawad gave them back the church. The Maronites reconsecrated it and built a new altar. The church was sabotaged during the wars of 1860 and 1985 and restored twice.The painting of the Annunciation is contemporary made by Andre Nammour.

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كاتدرائيّة مار الياس المارونيّة




كاتدرائيّة مار الياس المارونيّة صيدا
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St Elijah’s Maronite Cathedral Sidon.
It was built during the mandate of archbishop Augustin El Boustany, and was dedicated to Elijah the prophet patron saint of the city, to become the bishop's official new cathedral in the metropolitan city. It was built in 1838 in a basilical plan. The Old Testament states the visit of the prophet to the city. That explains the presence of four churches dedicatd to him in the city. The main painting in the apse is the work of the Lebanese painter Assaad Renno.
The cathedral was burnt down during the civil war in 1981, and finally restored in 2017. Its most prized treasure is the Holy Cross relic brought back from the Second Vatican Council by Archbishop Antonios Khoraish (Later Maronite Patriarch).