Bcharre – The church of Our Lady of the Milk

Saydet al dorr سيدة الدر, Bsharri, Lebanon

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كنيسة سيّدة الدرّ




كنيسة سيّدة الدرّ - بشرّيسيدة الدرّ أو الوريسة كان معبدًا فينيقيًّا تحوّل الى كنيسة في القرن الحادي عشر. بحسب الأب بطرس ضو "تحوّل هذا المعبد الى كنيسة، وكان يوجد فيه رسوم جدرانيّة من القرن الثاني عشر وتحتوي على أسماء القدّيسين باليونانيّة، مما يدلّ على أن الموارنة في وادي قاديشا كانوا حتى القرن الثالث عشر على اتصال بالحضارة البيزنطيّة". الكنيسة عبارة عن مغارة محفورة في الصخر ذات خوروسين، لعلّ جداريتها الأجمل هي الظهور الإلهيّ.The church of Our Lady of the Milk - BcharreThe church of Our Lady of the Milk or El Waryse is a Phoenician temple converted in the XIth century. According to the historian Fr. Boutros Daw: ”The shrine was converted into a fresco covered church in the XIIth century with the saints name written in greek, indicating that the Maronites in that era kept contact with the Byzantines”. The church consists of a man made cave with a double apse. The best kept fresco is that of the Epiphany over the altar.

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Jbeil – Saint John Marcus

Monastery of Saint John Marcus Jbeil Lebanese Maronite Order, Byblos, Lebanon

مار يوحنا مرقس - جبيل




Mount Lebanon

A beautiful Romanesque church, Eglise Saint Jean Marc is the cathedral church of Jbail-Byblos. The Church is dedicated to Saint Jean Mark, the patron saint of the town, who is said to have founded the first Christian community of Byblos. The church itself was built in 1115 A.D by the Crusaders, originally as the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist. After their departure, earthquakes, invasions and other disasters have repeatedly damaged the structure, and for a few centuries it remained disused. In 1764, Emir Youssef Chehab, of the Druze dynasty that ruled a semi- autonomous Lebanon under the Ottomans, donated the church to L’Ordre Libanais Maronite (Lebanese Maronite Order) which subsequently restored and reopened in 1776 after re-dedicating it to St Jean Marc. British bombardments of Lebanon in 1840 caused further damage, but the church was restored yet again. Eglise Saint Jean Marc continues to serve the Maronite Christian community. One interesting feature in the church is its open- air domed baptistery on the northern side which dates from the original construction in 1115 A.D, The church is situated on Rue de Port, between the port and the archaeological area.