Enfeh – The Church of St Catherine

St. Catherine Church, Anfeh, Lebanon

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كنيسة القدّيسة كاترينا




كنيسة القدّيسة كاترينا – أنفهكنيسة القدّيسة كاترينا كنيسة أرثوذوكسيّة بنيت هذه إبّان الحملة الصليبيّة الثالثة في القرن الثاني عشر بحسب الفنّ الرومانيّ، وكرّست على اسم القبر المقدّس. كانت الكنيسة تابعة لفرسان مالطا. في القرن السابع عشر رُمّمت الكنيسة وسَمّاها السكان على اسم القدّيسة كاترينا. تحوي الكنيسة عدّة أيقونات أهمّها أيقونة القدّيسة كاترينا التي رسمها بوليخرونيوس الكريتي أوائل القرن التاسع عشر.The Church of St Catherine - EnfehThe Greek Orthodox church of St Catherine was built in the XIIIth century during the third Crusade according to the romanesque architectural style, and was dedicated to The Holy Sepulcher. The church was a vassal to the Knights of St John of Malta. During the XVIIth century the church was restored and rededicated to St Catherine. The church holds many icons the most important one being that of St Catherine dating back to the early XIXth century, it is the masterpiece of the Cretan iconographer Polychronius.

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Saint Maroun Church, Haiyatah, Lebanon

كنيسة مار مارون



Mount Lebanon

كنيسة مار مارون - حياطة

بنى أهالي الحياطة كنيسة مار مارون وهي على شكل عقدٍ مصالب سنة ١٨٨٠. كرّسها المطران يوحنّا الحاج (البطريرك لاحقًا)، وقد أوحى وجه هذا الأسقف الفنّان حبيب سرور ليرسم لوحة مار مارون برصانته. تضمّ الكنيسة لوحة البشارة للخوري موسى ديب الدلبتاوي. رمّمت الكنيسة سنة ٢٠٠٨.

The Church of St Maroun - Haiyatah

The villagers constructed the parish church of St Maroun in 1880. The structure is a cross-vault building. It was consecrated by Bishop Youhanna El Hage (later Patriarch) whose face, due to his serenity, served as a model for that of St Maroun when the painting was created by Habib Srour. The church also features an Annunciation painting by Fr Moussa Dib from Dlebta. The church underwent restoration in 2008.

Hammana – The church of the Holy Savior

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كنيسة المخلص



Mount Lebanon

كنيسة المخلص - حمّاتا

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The church of the Holy Savior - Hammana

In 1902 an accord to build a church was concluded between the two families of Abi Youness and Aad, it was promulgated by Bishop Nematullah Selwan on the 28th of October. The construction ended in 1905. The church was consecrated by Chorbishop Youssef el Hayek in 1939. The structure consists of a crossed vault with three straight apses and three altars. The church was renovated in the late XXth century. The building is ornated with two bell towers one octagonal and the other squared. The church holds three paintings by Dawood el Qorm depicting the Transfiguration, the Madonna and St Joseph.

Mazraat Yashou’ – The Church of the Holy Martyrs, Disciples of St. Maroun

St. Maroun Church, Mazraat Yachoua, Lebanon

كنيسة تلاميذ مار مارون

Mazraat Yachouaa


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كنيسة تلاميذ مار مارون - مزرعة يشوع

بُنيت الكنيسة الأولى شرفيّ البلدة أواخر القرن الثامن عشر. أعاد الأهالي بناء الكنيسة سنة ١٨٨٣ في موقعها الحاليّ. البناء كناية عن عقدٍ مُصالب ينتهي بحنية نصف دائرية. رمّمت الكنيسة أواخر القرن العشرين.

The Church of the Holy Martyrs, Disciples of St. Maroun - Mazraat Yashou’

The first church was built at the end of the XVIII century east of the village. The villagers rebuilt it in its current location in 1883. The structure is a cross-vault with a semi-circular apse. The church was restored during the nineties.