Eh Qobeh Jezzine – The church of St Joseph

كنيسة مار يوسف - القبع, Qabaa, Lebanon

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كنيسة مار يوسف

Qabaa Jezzine



كنيسة مار يوسف - القبع جزّينبنيت الكنيسة سنة ١٩٠٠ بسعي عائلة غانم الذين جعلوا مدافنهم بقربها. جدّدت في ١٩ آذار سنة ١٩٦٣. الكنيسة صغيرة، تتبع رعيّة بلدة قيتولة جزّين، تضم لوحةً غربيّة الصنع لمار يوسف، وتتميّز بالنقوش والزخرفة على الجصّ.The church of St Joseph - Eh Qobeh JezzineThe church was built in 1900 by the Ghanem family who built their cemetery near it. It was renewed on the 19th of march 1963. The church is small, a dependency of the nearby Qaytouli’s parish. It possesses a classical painting of St Joseph. The church also contains intricate Gipson carvings.

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The Fountain of the Forty Martyrs - Yammouneh"

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كنيسة سيّدة المعونات

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كنيسة سيّدة المعونات - المعلّقة زحلة

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The church of our Lady of Perpetual Help - Maalaka Zahle

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كابيلّا القدّيسة ريتا - غادير

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The Chapel of St. Rita - Ghadir

In 1906, the Armenian Catholic family Khorcheid Elian built a funerary chapel dedicated to Sts. Peter and Paul. In 1989, the chapel was purchased by the parish of the Rosary - Ghadir. It was then rededicated to St. Rita by Chorbishop Yaqoub Chemaly. In 2002, the chapel underwent restoration, and an external garden was added. In 2015, the chapel celebrated its silver jubilee. The structure features a crossed vault with a neoclassical facade.