Bzommar – The chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows

Our lady of Bzoumar, Lebanon

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كابيلا سيّدة الآلام



Mount Lebanon

كابيلا سيّدة الآلام - بزمّار في القرن السادس عشر زار البطريرك ارزيفيان روما والتقى البابا بنديكتوس الرابع عشر، وأهداه أحد الكرادلة لوحة لسيّدة الآلام، منسوبة لمدرسة رافاييل تعود لرافاييل سانزيو أو الى غيراريو بار بيري. في رحلة العودة تعرّضت السفينة لخطر الغرق فرُميت اللوحة في البحر ووُجدت تطفو على المياه بشكلٍ عجائبيّ. بعد هذه الحادثة وُضعت اللوحة في كنيسة الدّير فوق العرش البطريركيّ.عام ١٨٠٢ ضربت الصاعقة الكنيسة، وسقطت على العرش البطريركيّ حيث كانت صورة العذراء، من دون الحاق الضرر بالعرش، ولا باللوحة، فبُنيت على إثر المعجزة كابيلا صغيرة ملاصقة للدّير وهي مزار للمؤمنين طالبين نِعم سيّدة الآلام. زارها قداسة البابا بنديكتوس السادس عشر سنة ٢٠١٢.The chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows - BzommarIn the XVIth century, the Armenian Patriarch Arzivian visited Rome and met pope Benedict XIV. He was gifted an icon of our Lady of Sorrows from an Italian cardinal. The painting is from Raphael’s school and is attributed to Raphael Sanzio or Gerario Parperi. On the way back the ship was in danger of shipwreck, and the painting was thrown in the sea with other furniture. It was rediscovered miraculously floating several days later. After the incident it was put over the patriarchal chair in the main church of Bzommar.In 1802 a lighting bolt hit the throne and the painting fell down, yet even the glass that was on it was miraculously preserved. A chapel adjacent to the monastery was erected to enshrine the miraculous icon. The chapel was visited by pope Benedict XVI in 2012.

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The monastery of St Doumit of the Carmelite fathers - Kobayyat

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كنيسة مار جرجس - القريّة صيدا

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The church of St George - Qrayeh Sidon

The first church was built with the settlement of christians in the region in the XVIIIth century. It was known as the Qabou (the cellar) hence it was a small structure. It was sabotaged in the war of 1860. In 1914 with the growth of the congregation, the village needed a new church. The construction began during the pontificate of Bishop Boulos Basbous and Fr. Boutros Kassab, construction was executed by Elias Constantin from Abra. The church is of a single nave ending with an apse, and a brick roof. During the late sixties a bell tower was added to the original old one on the western side. The painting is the work of Raji el Hajj 1939. The church was sabotaged during the civil war in 1985, and restored in the last decade of the XXth century.