The Valley of Qannoubine – The monastery of St George of the Abyssinians

محبسة مار جرجس, Hadchit, Lebanon

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دير مار جرجس الأحباش

Ouadi Qannoubine



دير مار جرجس الأحباش - وادي قنوبين الدّير عبارة عن كهفٍ طبيعيٍّ يقع في وسط الجُرف الصخريّ ويضمُ كنيسةً ومدفنًا وبعض القلالي. يتمّ الوصول إليه عبر درجٍ من الحجارة المنحوتة. بنى الدّير رهبان مونوفيزيّين جاؤوا من الحبشة في القرن الثاني عشر بقصد التنسك. الكنيسة كناية عن تجويفٍ طبيعيًّ حُفرت حنيتها على شكل عقدٍ مكسورٍ مُليّسة بالكلس، ومزيّنة برسومٍ جداريّة ذات أشكال هندسيّة تنتمي لفنّ الكنيسة الحبشيّة. في الكنيسة كذلك مذبح مربّع الشكل. The monastery of St George of the Abyssinians - the valley of Qannoubine The monastery is a natural cave in a cliff consisting of a church, a necropolis and some cells. It is accessible trough a carved stair. The monastery was built by Jacobite monks from Abyssinia during the XIIth century. The church is a natural cave with a carved apse covered by limestone gypson with a geometrical motif fresco from the Ethiopian art tradition, the church also has a squared altar.

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كنيسة مار مارون - حياطة

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دير مارت مورا




دير مارت مورا - اهدن

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The monastery of St Moura - Ehden

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كنيسة الأربعين شهيد

Qbaiyat Aakkar



كنيسة الأربعين شهيد - الغربيّة القبيّات

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The church of the Forty Martyrs - El Gharbye Kobayat

The first church was originally built in the XVIth century in the locality known as Kobayat el Atiqa (the old Kobayat). One of its most famous parishioners from that era is Semaan Ibn Shamaa el Kobayati who wrote a eulogy for patriarch Moussa Saade el Akkari in 1557, according to the patriarchal list written by patriarch El Douwaihy. The church was rebuilt in 1925 and consecrated by the archbishop of Tripoli Mgr. Antoun Arida (later patriarch). The church is built with black basalt, it consists of a single nave with a semi circular apse. It was restored in the last decade, with a modern interior that is in real contrast with the exterior.