The Valley of Qannoubine – The monastery of St Aboun

دير مار آبون, Wadi Qannoubine, Lebanon

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دير مار أبون

Ouadi Qannoubine



دير مار أبون - وادي قاديشاهو دير مار يوحنّا القصير الملقب بأبون أحد آباء الصحراء. يتكوّن الدّير من كنيسةٍ وعدّة قلالي. تقع الكنيسة داخل مغارة وهي على نسق البازيليك في البناء، والأكبر بين كنائس الوادي. أوّل ذكر للدّير يعود إلى القرن الثاني عشر، عندما أفاد البطريرك اسطفان الدويهيّ أن "هذا الدير كان مديرًا لجميع النساك في منطقة بشراي" . جعله البطريرك يعقوب الحدثي مقرًّا له سنة ١٤٤٥. بقي الدّير مأهولاً للقرن السابع عشر، وهو اليوم ضمن ورشة ترميم لإصلاحه وتجديده.The monastery of St Aboun - The Valley of QannoubineThe monastery is dedicated to St John the short an Egyptian desert father known to the syriacs as Aboun. The monastery consists of a basilical cave church, the largest one in the holy valley, and some adjacent cells. The first mention of the monastery is from the XIIth century when it was the head of all the monasteries and hermitages in the region of Bsharre according to Patriarch Estefan el Douaihy. In 1445 the monastery became the patriarchal residence of Patriarch Yaaqoub el Hadathi. The monastery fell into ruins at the end of the XVIIth century, today a plan for it’s restoration is undergoing.

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Cedars of God Bsharri, Bsharri, Lebanon

كنيسة تجلّي الربّ




كنيسة تجلّي الربّ - غابة الأرز
بدأ البناء سنة ١٨٤٤ مع الخوري يوحنا شبيعا، بموجب مرسوم بطريركيّ في عهد البطريرك يوسف حبيش. أُكمل البناء على مراحل سنتي ١٩٣٦ و١٩٨٣، وُرمّمت سنة ١٩٩٠. المذبح مصنوع من خشب الأرز المحفور من عمل الحرفيّ سليم أبي قبلان جعجع. أيقونة التجليّ تنتمي للمدرسة المقدسيّة.

The church of the Transfiguration of the Lord - The Cedar forest

The church was first built in 1844 by Fr Youhanna Shebaiaa, with a decree from Patriarch Youssef Hobeich. The construction was reworked in 1936 and 1983. The church was restored in 1990. The high altar is made of cedar wood by the craftsman Selim Abi Qabalaan Geagea. The icon of the Transfiguration is an issue from the school of Jerusalem.

Zakrit – Mar Abda

Mar abda church, Lebanon

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Mount Lebanon

بُنيَ الدّير على تلّةٍ في ضواحي زكريت على ضفاف نهر الكلب. الكنيسة القديمة بُنيت على أنقاض هيكلٍ وثنيّ عقب حملة المماليك على كسروان، وجُدِّدت سنة ١٦٨٥، بحسب كتاب تاريخ الأزمنة للبطريرك إسطفان الدويهيّ. إستلمت الرهبانيّة الأنطونيّة المارونيّة الكنيسة وبنت ديرًا سنة ١٧١٦. أمّا الكنيسة الجديدة فبنيت سنة ١٨١٠ بإعتناء الأمير حسن قاسم الشهابي، أيّام رئاسة الأب يوسف البشابيّ العامّة. لوحة مار عبدا هي من عمل داود القرم، سنة ١٨٨٤. وفي الكنيسة لوحة أُخرى للقدّيس من عمل أسعد رنّو. يقصد هذا الدّير المؤمنون طالبين شفاعة مار عبدا العجائبيّ خصوصًا النّساء العواقر والأطفال المرضى.

Built on a hill in the vicinity of Zakrit near Nahr El Kalb, the first church was built over the ruins of a roman temple after the Mamluk’s campaign on Kesserwan and renovated in 1685 according to Patriarch Estephan El Douaihy in his book Tarikh al Azmina. The Antonine Maronite Order acquired the church and the monks built a new monastery in 1716. In 1810 a new church was built on top of the first one with the help of Prince Hassan Abou Qasem Shehab, when Fr Youssef al Bchabby was abbot. The main painting is the work of Dawoud el Qorm, dating back to year 1884. Another painting of the saint is kept in the church and is the work of Assad Renno. St Abda’s church is believed to be miraculous especially for baron ladies and sick children

Hardine – Saint God’s grace (Neamtallah)

House and the Church of St. God's grace (Neamtallah) Hardini Lebanese Maronite Order, Hardine, Lebanon

بيت وكنيسة القديس نعمة الله الحرديني




Hardine’s name is derived from the Syriac language meaning ‘pious’, Witness of justice, Ardent in faith and Square of religion.

It is located about 1100m. above sea level. A large area of very thick forests surrounds it and the following ruins of its inveterate past decorate its mountain terraces:

-The «rocky tile of Hardine» with its marine fossils and its unique length of 350 m along a slope to the west and its width of nearly l00m. Some one said, «The three most beautiful in Mount Lebanon are the valley of Kannoubine, The Palace of Beit Eddine and the tile of Hardine».

–The Temple of God Mercury With 30 majestic pillars built according to the rare ionic style. This temple known as «the roman Palace of Hardine». It’s a really fantastic one; it goes back to the time of Emperor Hadrian Augustus (117-137 A.D).

-“St Fawka’s” monastery (6th century)

-“Patriarchal monastery” since the Maronites came to Lebanon, known as “St. Sergios Alkarn”.

-“St John Alchakf” monastery, since the days of the Crusaders.

-“St Taqla” church in Beit Kassab square. It was the father of St Hardidni, who first started its renovation in the 19th Century.

-The church and hermitage of “St Stephan” in a hollow in a light rock over the Plain of Al Jawz River.

-The ruins of “St Richa’s” monastery, where the Syriac Diocese was moved between 1384 and 1598.

-The hermitages of “St Joseph”, “Ste Anne”, “St Ephram” the Syriac, “St Jacob Jesus’ brother” and “the pottery monastery” in the hollows of Kfarshira, and “the Lady of the Castle” in the hollow of the water spring.

-The Church of “St. Georges and Edna” which is distinguished Christian inscriptions (fish and cross).

-The churches of “St Elias”, “St Challita and Nohra” in the hollows engraved in the rocks, the old parish churches, like “St. Sergios and Bacchus” (rebui1t in 1932). “the Lady of deliverance” (rebuilt in 1948). The current one is St. Shayna” (1844), and finally the church of “St. Tadros” with its maronite alter, The two rebuilt churches of “St. Antonios of Padova” (1907), “St. Thomas” (1950) and the church of “Ste Theresa of the Baby Jesus” (1946).

-The monastery of St. Hardini» built with the donations of the people from Hardine in Lebanon and all over the world.

– Hardine is the hometown of one of Lebanon’s four saints, Saint Nimatullah Hardini (1808-58) who was canonised by Roman Catholic Pope John Paul II in 2004.

The village is naturally protected by the valleys and the rocky mountains around it making it an ideal place for the then new religion (Christianity) to flourish.

Legend has it that in 270AD, a Roman official imprisoned his daughter in Hardine for converting to Christianity. She converted many others in Hardine to the Christian faith.