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القديسة تقلا
Mount Lebanon
Visited 1112 times, 1 Visit today
Mar Takla Church, Mrouj, Lebanon
القديسة تقلا
Mount Lebanon
Visited 1112 times, 1 Visit today
St. Sarkis And Bakhos Church, Tourza, Lebanon
كنيسة مار سركيس وباخوس
كنيسة مار سركيس وباخوس - طورزا
بُنيت سنة ١٤٧٠ بحسب تأريخ الشدياق انطونيوس العنطوري، وورد ذكرها كذلك مع البطريرك اسطفانوس الدويهيّ في تاريخ الأزمنة. البناء الحاليّ يعود لسنة ١٨٦٨، لكنّ الكنيسة رُممّت ووسّعت على عدّة مراحل. تتميّز الكنيسة بعقدها المصالب ذات اللونين وهو من حجر مقالع البلدة المحليّ. في سبعينيّات القرن العشرين أضاف أحد أبناء البلدة المغترين قبّة الساعة. تضمّ الكنيسة ثلاث لوحات للفنّان داوود القرم، أمّا الزجاجيّات فهي من عمل الأب عبده بدوي.
The church of Sts Sergius and Bacchus - Tourza
The church was built in 1470 according to the chronicles of the Subdeacon Antonyos El Aintoury, and it is also mentioned in Patriarch Stephen El Douaihy's "History of the Times". The current building dates back to 1868, yet the church was restored and enlarged on many occasions. The church consists of a crossed vault with two colors stones from the local quaries. During the seventies an emigrant donated the unique clock tower. The church holds three paintings from Dawoud Al Qorm dating back to 1892, and stained glass windows by Fr Abdo Badawi.
Saint ELIE CHURCH كنيسة مار الياس, Hemlaya, Lebanon
كنيسة مار الياس
Mount Lebanon
كنيسة مار الياس - حملايا
سنة ١٩٠٤ قُسِّمت كنيسة مار جرجس بين آل الراعي وآل الريّس. فقرّر يوسف الريّس البقاء مع أخواله في الكنيسة القديمة، لكنّه عاد سنة ١٩٠٦ وقرّر إنشاء كنيسة جديدة لمار جرجس مع عددٍ من عائلات البلدة. بقيت هذه الكنيسة مًقفلة حتّى ستينيّات القرن العشرين حين أّعيد افتتاحها وتكريسها على إسم مار الياس. الكنيسة مسقوفة وتحوي ثلاث حنايا. تضمّ الكنيسة ساعة طنّانة، وتحوي لوحةُ من عمل حبيب سرور.
The church of St Elijah - Hemlaya
In 1904 the old St George’s church was divided between the Rahi and the Rayess families. Back then Youssef El Rayess decided to stay with his uncles, yet in 1906 he decided to build a new church dedicated to St George with a number of the village’s families. This church remained closed until the sixties when it was rededicated to St Elijah. The church is a roofed structure with three apses, it holds a clocktower and contains a painting of St Elijah by Habib Srour.
Deir Saydet el Natour, Hraiche, Lebanon
سيدة الناطور
The convent’s ancient origin is attached to a legend. A rich man of the region committed adultery; filled with remorse, he attached a padlocked iron chain to his ankle and threw the key into the sea-shore and survived on the fish brought to him by local fishermen, who called him the guardian of the cavern. One day, a fisherman brought him a fish, in whose entrails the hermit found the key of the padlock. He knew then that God had delivered him from his suffering, and he built a convent above the cavern. He dedicated it to The Mother of God, but it also took the name of the Guardian.
The daily life of the convent is regulated by the flow of visitors who come to fulfill vows and make prayers. Sister Catherine al-Jamal is the principal resident of Dayr al-Natour, and she has done everything within her power to restore it.
According to the Crusader document, the Monastery of the Presentation of Our Lady Natour was built by Cistercians. Indeed, the Church interior resembles that of the Cistercian Church of Balamand, built in 1157. Otherwise, the history of Dayr al-Natour is hidden in obscurity, although it is said that the local Orthodox community took it over after the departure of the Crusaders. Its name is almost unmentioned by historical sources during the Mamluk and most of the Ottoman period, although it is reported that French corsairs attacked the Monastery at the beginning of the eighteenth century and killed a monk.
In 1838, the Ottoman authorities gave permission to the Monastery to be rebuilt. In the second half of the nineteenth century, it contained several monks and a superior, and it possessed fifteen dunums of land. During the First World War, it was bombarded by a Russian ship. A few years later, the Monastery lost its last Superior, Basilios Debs, who became Archbishop of Akkar. After his departure, monastic life ended at Dayr al-Natour.
During the twentieth century, the deserted monastery became a refuge for shepherds from the neighboring regions. In 1973, Sister Catherine al-Jamal moved to Dayr al-Natour and began to restore it from its ruin.
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