Bcharreh – Church of God

Church of the Lord, Bqaa Kafra, Lebanon

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كنيسة الرب




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Jbeil – Saint John Marcus

Monastery of Saint John Marcus Jbeil Lebanese Maronite Order, Byblos, Lebanon

مار يوحنا مرقس - جبيل




Mount Lebanon

A beautiful Romanesque church, Eglise Saint Jean Marc is the cathedral church of Jbail-Byblos. The Church is dedicated to Saint Jean Mark, the patron saint of the town, who is said to have founded the first Christian community of Byblos. The church itself was built in 1115 A.D by the Crusaders, originally as the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist. After their departure, earthquakes, invasions and other disasters have repeatedly damaged the structure, and for a few centuries it remained disused. In 1764, Emir Youssef Chehab, of the Druze dynasty that ruled a semi- autonomous Lebanon under the Ottomans, donated the church to L’Ordre Libanais Maronite (Lebanese Maronite Order) which subsequently restored and reopened in 1776 after re-dedicating it to St Jean Marc. British bombardments of Lebanon in 1840 caused further damage, but the church was restored yet again. Eglise Saint Jean Marc continues to serve the Maronite Christian community. One interesting feature in the church is its open- air domed baptistery on the northern side which dates from the original construction in 1115 A.D, The church is situated on Rue de Port, between the port and the archaeological area.

Zakrit – Mar Abda

Mar abda church, Lebanon

دير مار عبدا المشمّر - زكريت




Mount Lebanon

بُنيَ الدّير على تلّةٍ في ضواحي زكريت على ضفاف نهر الكلب. الكنيسة القديمة بُنيت على أنقاض هيكلٍ وثنيّ عقب حملة المماليك على كسروان، وجُدِّدت سنة ١٦٨٥، بحسب كتاب تاريخ الأزمنة للبطريرك إسطفان الدويهيّ. إستلمت الرهبانيّة الأنطونيّة المارونيّة الكنيسة وبنت ديرًا سنة ١٧١٦. أمّا الكنيسة الجديدة فبنيت سنة ١٨١٠ بإعتناء الأمير حسن قاسم الشهابي، أيّام رئاسة الأب يوسف البشابيّ العامّة. لوحة مار عبدا هي من عمل داود القرم، سنة ١٨٨٤. وفي الكنيسة لوحة أُخرى للقدّيس من عمل أسعد رنّو. يقصد هذا الدّير المؤمنون طالبين شفاعة مار عبدا العجائبيّ خصوصًا النّساء العواقر والأطفال المرضى.

Built on a hill in the vicinity of Zakrit near Nahr El Kalb, the first church was built over the ruins of a roman temple after the Mamluk’s campaign on Kesserwan and renovated in 1685 according to Patriarch Estephan El Douaihy in his book Tarikh al Azmina. The Antonine Maronite Order acquired the church and the monks built a new monastery in 1716. In 1810 a new church was built on top of the first one with the help of Prince Hassan Abou Qasem Shehab, when Fr Youssef al Bchabby was abbot. The main painting is the work of Dawoud el Qorm, dating back to year 1884. Another painting of the saint is kept in the church and is the work of Assad Renno. St Abda’s church is believed to be miraculous especially for baron ladies and sick children

Qsaibeh – Our Lady of Deliverance

St Mary Church, Qsaybeh, Lebanon

كنيسة سيّدة النجاة القصيبة


Qsaibeh Baabda


Mount Lebanon

دُشّنت كنيسة سيّدة النجاة-القصيبة في عيد السيّدة سنة ١٨٨٣ بسعي وهمّة الخوري بطرس زيدان. تحتوي هذه الكنيسة على ثلاثة رسومات قيّمة لشفيعة الرعيّة (رسم داود القرم، ١٨٩٤) عليها كتابة: "من وجدني وجد الحياة ونال مرضاة الربّ" (أمثال ٨ /٣٥)، ومار مارون (رسم حبيب سرور، ١٩٢٣)، ومار بطرس(رسم جرجس عبدالله أبو جودة، ١٩١١).
من الملفت وجود عين العناية الإلهية على بيت القربان، رمزًا قّل استخدامه بعد منتصف القرن التاسع عشر في الفن المسيحي بعدما أخذ دلالةً ماسونيّةً.
رُمّمت الكنيسة في القرن الماضي وأُعيد تدشينها وتكريس المذبح الجديد في عيد السيّدة سنة ١٩٧٤.
Our Lady of Deliverance Church Qsaybeh
The church was consecrated on the feast of Assumption of Mary year 1883 with the efforts of Father Boutros Zeidan. Three main paintings are hung in the three apses. On the main apse, stands that of the Assumption of the Lady, painted by Dawoud El Qorm in year 1894, with the verse :"For whoever finds me finds life, and wins favor from the Lord" (Proverbs 8: 35) written below the virgin. On the side apses, one can find a painting that depicts Saint Maroun drawn by Habib Srour in 1923, and another one depicting Saint Peter, a work by Gerges Abdallah Abou Jaoudeh, year 1911.
What is remarkable is the presence of the Eye of Providence on the tabernacle, a symbol that was rarely used after the mid 19th century in Christian art for its relation with the Masonry.
The Church was renovated in the past century, and the Altar was reconsecrated on the feast of the Assumption of the Lady year 1974.