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كنيسة الرب
Visited 389 times, 3 Visits today
Church of the Lord, Bqaa Kafra, Lebanon
كنيسة الرب
Visited 389 times, 3 Visits today
St. Mary Church - كنيسة السيدة, Wadi Jezzine, Lebanon
كنيسة مار لابا
Midane Jezzine
كنيسة مار لابا - الميدان جزّين
سنة ١٧٤٢ إنتُخب المطران سمعان عوّاد الحصرونيّ بطريركًا وجعل كرسيّه في بلدة الميدان الجزينيّة. حمل أهل حصرون معهم شفاعة مار لابا أو يهوذا الرسول إلى الميدان وبنوا له مقامًا صغيرًا. سنة ١٩٠٣ بعناية الخوري يعقوب عوّاد، بُنيت الكنيسة الحاليّة، وهي كناية عن عقدٍ مصالبٍ ينتهي بحنيةٍ نصف دائريّة. وجلب مغتربو البلدة لوحة مار لابا من المكسيك سنة ١٩٢١ وهي من عمل سارييا زاكاتيكاس. وسّعت الكنيسة ورمّمت عدّة مرّات في النصف الثاني من القرن العشرين.
The church of St Laba - Al Midane Jezzine
In 1742 bishop Semaan Awad was elected patriarch, and made his patriarchal seat in Al Midane. Since he was originally from Hassroun he built a shrine for St Jude the apostle (Laba or Tedy) in the village. In 1903 the current church was built, with the efforts of Fr. Yaqoub Awad. The structure consists of a crossed vault ending with a semi circular apse. The church was renovated many times during the latter half of the XXth century. The painting of St Leba was donated by the village’s diaspora in Mexico in 1921 it is the work of Saria Zakaticas.
Monastery of Saint John Marcus Jbeil Lebanese Maronite Order, Byblos, Lebanon
مار يوحنا مرقس - جبيل
Mount Lebanon
A beautiful Romanesque church, Eglise Saint Jean Marc is the cathedral church of Jbail-Byblos. The Church is dedicated to Saint Jean Mark, the patron saint of the town, who is said to have founded the first Christian community of Byblos. The church itself was built in 1115 A.D by the Crusaders, originally as the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist. After their departure, earthquakes, invasions and other disasters have repeatedly damaged the structure, and for a few centuries it remained disused. In 1764, Emir Youssef Chehab, of the Druze dynasty that ruled a semi- autonomous Lebanon under the Ottomans, donated the church to L’Ordre Libanais Maronite (Lebanese Maronite Order) which subsequently restored and reopened in 1776 after re-dedicating it to St Jean Marc. British bombardments of Lebanon in 1840 caused further damage, but the church was restored yet again. Eglise Saint Jean Marc continues to serve the Maronite Christian community. One interesting feature in the church is its open- air domed baptistery on the northern side which dates from the original construction in 1115 A.D, The church is situated on Rue de Port, between the port and the archaeological area.
Aabeidat, Lebanon
محبسة مار سمعان العاموديّ وادي البواليع
Mount Lebanon
محبسة مار سمعان العاموديّ وادي البواليع - عبيدات
المحبسة عبارة عن تَجوِيفٍ مَحفُورٍ فِي الصَّخر، بِدَاخِله صُوَرٌ جُدرَانِيَّةٌ تعود إِلى القَرن الثَّاني عَشَر. مِن بَينِ هِﺬهِ الجُدرَانِيّات رَسمُ الشفاعة، وَكِتَابَةٌ سِرَيَانِيَّةٌ لَم يَبقَ منهَا وَمِن الرُّسُومِ إلّا القَلِيل بِسَبَب عَوَامِل الطَّبِيعَة وَجَهل الإِنسَان. يَتمُّ الصُعُودُ إِلَى غُرَفِ الدَّير بِوَاسِطة سَلَالِم خَشَبِيَّةٍ وَأُخرَى حَدِيدِيَّةٍ مُستَحدَثَةٍ.تُجَاوِرُ دَيرَ مَار سِمعَان كَنِيسَة مَارت مُورَا، وَهِيَ عِبَارَةٌ عَن نَقرٍ في الصَخرِ.بحسب الخبراء جداريّات عبيدات تعودُ لراسم جداريّات كنيسة مار تادرس بحديدات.
The hermitage of St Simeon the stylite in Wadi al-Bouwayli'e - 'Abeydat
The monastery is a hollowed-out cavity in the rock, containing frescoes dating back to the XIIth century. Among these wall paintings is the depiction of the deisis, as well as Syriac inscriptions, of which only a few remain due to natural factors and human ignorance. Access to the monastery's chambers is achieved through newly installed wooden and iron ladders. Adjacent to the Mar Simeon monastery is the St Moura's Church, which is a carved cave in the rock. According to experts, the wall paintings in 'Abeydat belong to the same artist who painted the wall paintings in the Mar Tadros Church in Behadidat. La Ermita de San Simeón el estilita en Wadi al-Bouwayli'e - 'Abeydat El monasterio es una cavidad excavada en la roca, que contiene frescos que datan del siglo XII. Entre estas pinturas murales se encuentra la representación de la deisis, así como inscripciones siríacas, de las cuales, debido a factores naturales y la ignorancia humana, solo quedan unas pocas. Para acceder a las cámaras del monasterio se utilizan las escaleras de hierro y madera recién instaladas. Colindante al monasterio de San Simeon se encuentra la iglesia de San Moura, que es una cueva tallada en la roca. Según los expertos, las pinturas murales de 'Abeydat pertenecen al mismo artista que pintó las pinturas murales de la iglesia de San Tadros en Behadidat.
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