Kfar Jarra – Saint John the Baptist

Kfar Jarra Municipality, Saida - Jezzine Road, Lebanon

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كنيسة مار يوحنا المعمدان - كفرجرّة


Kfar Jarra



بُنيت الكنيسة سنة ١٧٥٥ في عهد البطريرك يعقوب عوّاد وكرّسها المطران سمعان عوّاد اسقف صيدا. هي اولى الكنائس المارونيّة التي بنيت في منطقة شرقيّ صيدا وساحل جزّين. تتميّز بهندستها البسيطة وبالنقوش على أعتاب أبوابها المنخفضة. خُرّبت إبّان الحرب الأهليّة وأعيد ترميمها في تسعينات القرن العشرين.The church was built in 1755 during the pontificate of Patriarch Jacob Awad and was consecrated by Sidon’s bishop Simon Awad. It is the first maronite church in the vicinity of Sidon. The architecture is simple and doted with symbolic arabesque over the small narrow doors. During the civil war it was heavily damaged and restored during the nineties. 

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Maad – Saint Charbel of Edessa feast day

Saint Charbel Church, Unnamed Road, Lebanon

كنيسة مار شربل الرّهاوي



Mount Lebanon

كنيسة مار شربل الرّهاوي - معاد
كان شربل الرهاوي كاهنًا وثنيًّا في مدينة الرّها. تحوّل الى المسيحيّة هو واخته بارابيا واستشهد في عهد الامبراطور الروماني ديسيوس (236-250).
تقوم الكنيسة على أنقاض سابقة تعود لمعبد وثنيّ، أُنشأت عليه كنيسة بيزنطيّة؛ ثمّ أعيد بناؤها على أيام الصليبيين (القرن 12 و 13). رُمِّمت في نهاية القرن التاسع عشر.
قُسم الموعوظين هو عبارة عن مدخل أو رواق. يحوي اليوم قطعًا أثرية.
الكنيسة في الداخل مبنيّة على نمط بازيليكي يقسم صفّان من القناطر المساحة الداخليّة. قسم من البلاط قديم يعود الى المعبد الروماني كما وفتحة البئر المستديرة التي تتوسط الرواق. أمّا العقد المركزي فمزيّن برسوم زخرفية تعود الى العهد العثماني.
تنتمي الحنية السفلى الى الكنيسة الأقدم، وتحتوي على جدرانيّة تمثل مجموعة من سبعة قديسين: على جانبي الأسقف الوسطي، يمثل الرسول بطرس الى اليسار وبولس الى اليمين؛ يرافقهما الانجيليون الأربعة.
كنيسة مار شربل الرّهاوي - معاد
كان شربل الرهاوي كاهنًا وثنيًّا في مدينة الرّها. تحوّل الى المسيحيّة هو واخته بارابيا واستشهد في عهد الامبراطور الروماني ديسيوس (236-250).
تقوم الكنيسة على أنقاض سابقة تعود لمعبد وثنيّ، أُنشأت عليه كنيسة بيزنطيّة؛ ثمّ أعيد بناؤها على أيام الصليبيين (القرن 12 و 13). رُمِّمت في نهاية القرن التاسع عشر.
قُسم الموعوظين هو عبارة عن مدخل أو رواق. يحوي اليوم قطعًا أثرية.
الكنيسة في الداخل مبنيّة على نمط بازيليكي يقسم صفّان من القناطر المساحة الداخليّة. قسم من البلاط قديم يعود الى المعبد الروماني كما وفتحة البئر المستديرة التي تتوسط الرواق. أمّا العقد المركزي فمزيّن برسوم زخرفية تعود الى العهد العثماني.
تنتمي الحنية السفلى الى الكنيسة الأقدم، وتحتوي على جدرانيّة تمثل مجموعة من سبعة قديسين: على جانبي الأسقف الوسطي، يمثل الرسول بطرس الى اليسار وبولس الى اليمين؛ يرافقهما الانجيليون الأربعة.

Saint Charbel of Edessa feast day
A church dedicated to him in Maad
Charbel was a pagan priest in Edessa. He was then converted to Christianity with his sister Barabia and martyred in the days of Emperor Disios (236-250 A.D).
The church was built over an old pagan temple ruins. It was first a Byzantine church. The Crusades built it again in the 12th century. Renovations took place at the end of the 19th century.
As one enters the Church, he'll find a nartex with some artifacts. The church is built in a basilical form, divided into two rows of arches. Some of the tiles along with a circular well belong to a roman temple. Some decorative elements that date back to the Ottoman period fill the main vault.
The main apse belongs to the old church, and it contains a fresco depicting a bishop surrounded by Saints Peter and Paul and the four Evangelists.

Mayfouk – Saint Elige monastery

Our Lady of Ilige, Maifouq, Lebanon

سيدة ايليج



Mount Lebanon

The 3rd Patriarchal seat from 1120 to 1440 AD. This beautiful, small church dates to 1121 AD. There’s a tradition that the Monastery of Our Lady of Elij took the place of one of the train stations of the Roman road from Baalbak and the banks of Al Assi River to the North coast of Phoenicia. The apostles used this road during their trips between Antakya and the beaches of Palestine, and turning the place into a Christian one is attributed to them. (The apostles and students of St. Lucas).

The name of Elij is derived from the word “Eel”, from the Aramaic language, and it means “God of soft valley”. But from the Greek, it is derived from the word “Ellios” meaning “Goddess of the Sun”.

According to a Syriac inscription on the church wall (1277 AD.): “In the name of the eternally living God, in the year 1588 of the Greek era, this Jacobi temple was built for the Mother of God who prays for us, by the bishops Mark and John, in 1588 of the Greek era.” A cross was also engraved with a Syriac state “In You we conquer our enemy and in your name, we tread our haters”. There’s Syriac writing on the monastery’s wall: “In the name of the living God, in 1746 A.D, the two monk- brothers Amoun & Ming. It was established by four patriarches Botros, Ermia, Yaacoub, and Youhanna in 1121 A.D”.

The church is known for its ”Elij” icon of the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ: while restoring it in 1985, Sisters of karlmalite-Harissa, researchers had found 10 different layers of paint, and the oldest one backed to the 10th century (every layer is over 100 year).

This monastery is the fourth oldest belonging to the Maronites. It is one of the most ancient Episcopal seats in Lebanon. It was built on the ruins of a pagan temple as mentioned before. It had witnessed all types of persecution and martyrdom for the name of Jesus Christ, in addition to the history and faith, in what it spared miracles and glorification of Virgin Mary. It is not an edifice, but it looks like a grotto, built in the valley amidst old trees, between the mountains and the rebellious course of two rivers, of soil-colored dabachi stones which cannot easily be seen under the walnut trees…

What is left of the monastery today are two floors. The church occupies the greatest part of the ground floor while the first floor contains a small loft and a wide hall. The patriarch lived on the upper floor, in the small loft, which can be reached either by an internal flight of stairs within the church, or by external stone stairs. There is also a secret access from the patriarch’s room to another hidden room or to the outside. A small window was opened in the patriarch’s room facing the Holy Sacrament and the icon of Our Lady of Elij over the main altar. Next to the church on the first floor, there are two rectangular rooms with low curved ceilings, open to each other by a small path on the west side, inside the separating wall.

The church is distinguished by its “Bema” (the throne in Greek), with stairs leading to it on the western side. The bema is a high tribune in the church where the first part of the Mass, the Liturgy of the Word, is celebrated, where the Patriarch sit with bishops. It is the only church in Lebanon that still keeping a bema. There are a number of basements (narrow tunnels) inside the walls used to hide and run during persecution, invasion and war. There is a library containing souvenirs: religious relics, photos, books, documentary, local products.

Amshit – The church of Our Lady

Notre dame de amchit - كنيسة السيدة عمشيت, Aamchit, Lebanon

كنيسة السيّدة



Mount Lebanon

كنيسة السيّدة - عمشيت
بُنيت الكنيسة الأولى أواسط القرن العاشر وكان يطلق عليها إسم سيّدة البيدر. سنة ١٧٨٢ بُنيت الكنيسة الحاليّة. سنة ١٩٠٠. أُفيم في الكنيسة بيت القربان الرخاميّ ووضعت لوحة سيّدة الإنتقال. سنة ١٩٥٨ رمّمت الكنيسة ووُسّعت آخذة شكلها الحاليّ بعدما أُزيلت من داخلها الشواهد والقبور. رُمّمت الكنيسة أواخر القرن العشرين وهي كناية عن عقد مُصالب ينتهي بحنية.

The church of Our Lady - Amshit
The first church was built in the middle of the Xth century and was known by our Lady of the field. In 1782 the current church was built. In 1900 the marble tabernacle and the painting of the Assumption were brought. In 1958 the church was restored and all of the tombs and the shrines where removed. The church was renewed in the latter part of the XXth century. The structure consists of a crossed vault ending with an apse.