Dimane – The Old Patriarchate of Saint John Maron

Old Saint John Maroun Church, Dimane, Lebanon

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البطريركيّة القديمة مار يوحنّا مارون




البطريركيّة القديمة مار يوحنّا مارون - الديمان بداية القرن التاسع عشر، قرّر البطاركة الانتقال من وادي قنوبين إلى قرية الديمان. وفي العام ١٨١٩، بنى البطريرك يوحنا الحلو منزلاً ليكون مقرّ إقامته. سنة ١٨٣٣، بدأ البطريرك يوسف حبيش بناء الدير والكنيسة، وتمّ في هذا الدير البطريركيّ انتخاب البطريرك يوسف راجي الخازن عام ١٨٤٥، ورفع البطريرك بولس مسعد الخوري يوحنا الحاج إلى الرتبة الأسقفية في ١٥ آب ١٨٦١، ليخلفه كبطريرك سنة ١٨٩٠. نهاية القرن التاسع عشر انتهت أعمال بناء الدير البطريركيّ الكبير في الديمان، وأصبح هذا البناء كنيسةً رعائيّة. ومن أبرز الكنوز الموجودة في الكنيسة كأس القدّاس الذي أهداه البابا لاون الثاني عشر إلى البطريرك حبيش، ومكتبة المخطوطات، وبعض الأيقونات المحليّة. The Old Patriarchate of Saint John Maron - Dimane At the start of the XIXth century, the patriarchs decided to relocate from Wadi Qannoubin to the village of Diman. In 1819, Patriarch John Al Helou constructed a residence for himself, and in 1833, Patriarch Youssef Hobeish began building a monastery and church. It was at this patriarchal monastery that Patriarch Youssef Raji Al Khazen was elected in 1845. Later on, on August 15, 1861, Patriarch Boulos Massad ordained Fr. Youhanna Al Hajj to the episcopal rank, and he succeeded him as patriarch in 1890. At the end of the XIXth century, the construction of the great patriarchal monastery in Diman was finished, and the building became a parish church. One of the most notable treasures of the church is a chalice gifted to Patriarch Hobeish by Pope Leo XII, as well as the manuscript library and local icons.

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Hermel – The monastery of St Maroun on the Orontes

Hermel, Lebanon

دير مار مارون على نهر العاصي




The monastery of St Maroun on the Orontes - Hermel

The monastery was originally a natural cave consisting of three sections, it was expanded by Roman builders working in nearby stone quarries. It is situated above Ain El Zarqa, one of the sources of the Orontes River, and connected to the river via a corridor carved into the mountainside. This was used to fetch water and provide a hiding place during enemy attacks. In the VIth century, Maronite monks sought refuge in the cave after facing persecution in northern Syria, where their monastery was destroyed and its contents dispersed. The monks expanded the cave and carved an altar, turning the cave into a new monastery. This marked the beginning of the Maronite migration to the mountains of Lebanon along the Orontes River. Over time, the monastery was neglected and became an abandoned farm. In 2011, it was visited by Patriarch Bechara Boutros Al-Rahi and has since been restored in 2018, returning to the Maronite Church. The monastery serves as a testament to the spread and perseverance of the Maronite Church in the Levant.

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Sacré Coeur Church, Qornet El Hamra, Lebanon

كنيسة قلب يسوع

Qornet El-Hamra


Mount Lebanon

كنيسة قلب يسوع - قرنة الحمرا

بُنيت الكنيسة سنة ١٩٠٠ على طرازٍ هندسيّ بازيليكيّ بسوقٍ وحنية واحدة، هندسها الرهبان اليسوعيّون. عمل على زخرفتها ونقشها الياس فاعور من المصيطبة ورسم جداريّاتها يوسف الحويّك. سنة ١٩٢٠ إستُقدم لها المذبح الرخاميّ. زيدت القبّة في الثلاثينات. رُمّمت الكنيسة مؤخرًا وزُيّنت بالزجاجيّات.

Thé church of the Sacred Heart - Qornet el Hamra

The church was built in 1900. The architectural plan was a single naved basilica, the design was made by the Jesuits. The church was decorated by Elias Faour, the frescoes where painted by Youssef el Howeyk. In 1920 a marble high altar was set inside the church. In the 1930’s the bell tower was added. The church was recently restored and the stained glass windows where added.

Hardine – Saint God’s grace (Neamtallah)

House and the Church of St. God's grace (Neamtallah) Hardini Lebanese Maronite Order, Hardine, Lebanon

بيت وكنيسة القديس نعمة الله الحرديني




Hardine’s name is derived from the Syriac language meaning ‘pious’, Witness of justice, Ardent in faith and Square of religion.

It is located about 1100m. above sea level. A large area of very thick forests surrounds it and the following ruins of its inveterate past decorate its mountain terraces:

-The «rocky tile of Hardine» with its marine fossils and its unique length of 350 m along a slope to the west and its width of nearly l00m. Some one said, «The three most beautiful in Mount Lebanon are the valley of Kannoubine, The Palace of Beit Eddine and the tile of Hardine».

–The Temple of God Mercury With 30 majestic pillars built according to the rare ionic style. This temple known as «the roman Palace of Hardine». It’s a really fantastic one; it goes back to the time of Emperor Hadrian Augustus (117-137 A.D).

-“St Fawka’s” monastery (6th century)

-“Patriarchal monastery” since the Maronites came to Lebanon, known as “St. Sergios Alkarn”.

-“St John Alchakf” monastery, since the days of the Crusaders.

-“St Taqla” church in Beit Kassab square. It was the father of St Hardidni, who first started its renovation in the 19th Century.

-The church and hermitage of “St Stephan” in a hollow in a light rock over the Plain of Al Jawz River.

-The ruins of “St Richa’s” monastery, where the Syriac Diocese was moved between 1384 and 1598.

-The hermitages of “St Joseph”, “Ste Anne”, “St Ephram” the Syriac, “St Jacob Jesus’ brother” and “the pottery monastery” in the hollows of Kfarshira, and “the Lady of the Castle” in the hollow of the water spring.

-The Church of “St. Georges and Edna” which is distinguished Christian inscriptions (fish and cross).

-The churches of “St Elias”, “St Challita and Nohra” in the hollows engraved in the rocks, the old parish churches, like “St. Sergios and Bacchus” (rebui1t in 1932). “the Lady of deliverance” (rebuilt in 1948). The current one is St. Shayna” (1844), and finally the church of “St. Tadros” with its maronite alter, The two rebuilt churches of “St. Antonios of Padova” (1907), “St. Thomas” (1950) and the church of “Ste Theresa of the Baby Jesus” (1946).

-The monastery of St. Hardini» built with the donations of the people from Hardine in Lebanon and all over the world.

– Hardine is the hometown of one of Lebanon’s four saints, Saint Nimatullah Hardini (1808-58) who was canonised by Roman Catholic Pope John Paul II in 2004.

The village is naturally protected by the valleys and the rocky mountains around it making it an ideal place for the then new religion (Christianity) to flourish.

Legend has it that in 270AD, a Roman official imprisoned his daughter in Hardine for converting to Christianity. She converted many others in Hardine to the Christian faith.