Baskinta – The presbytery of St Joseph

Monastery of Saint Joseph Baskenta Lebanese Maronite Order, Baskinta, Lebanon

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أنطش مار يوسف



Mount Lebanon

أنطش مار يوسف - بسكنتاسنة ١٧٧٠ بدأ أهالي بسكنتا ببناء كنيسة على إسم القدِّيس يوسف، لكنّ البناء تعثّر. فكان ذلك سببًا لدعوة الرهبانيَّة اللبنانيَّة إلى تسلُّمها، سنة ١٧٧١، بناءً على طلب الأهالي. مقابل ذلك، كان على الرهبانيَّة أن تنشئ مدرسةً لتعليم الأحداث وإرشاد القريب في الأمور الروحيَّة. أتمَّت الرهبانيَّة، سنة ١٧٧٦، تشييد الكنيسة، وأنشأت مدرسةً على اسم القدِّيس يوسف، فكانت أقدم مدرسةٍ في بسكنتا، تهتمُّ بتعليم الأولاد مبادئ الدين والأخلاق، واللغتَين السريانيَّة والعربيَّة.The presbytery of St Joseph - BaskintaIn 1770 the locals of Baskinta began building a church dedicated to St Joseph, yet due to the lack of funds, they decided to hand the church to the Lebanese Maronite Order. The agreement was settled in 1771 and a school to teach the children and provide spiritual guidance was erected by the order. In 1776 the church was dedicated and the first Baskintan school opened providing a program that teaches Syriac, Arabic, Morals, and Catechism.

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Ghalboun – The church of St George

Saint Georges Church, Ghalboun, Lebanon

كنيسة مار جرجس



Mount Lebanon

كنيسة مار جرجس: غلبون

كنيسة القرية الأولى كانت تقع في محلّة الحوش. بعد توسّع القرية مع بداية القرن التاسع عشر، قرّر الأهالي بناء كنيسةٍ جديدةٍ مكان محبسة مار جرجس والتي كانت قائمة بدورها على أنقاض معبدٍ فارسيٍ. وواجهة الكنيسة الغربية ما زالت تحتفظ بشعار الإمبراطوريّة الفارسية، النمر وزهرة اللّوتوس.. أما المذبح القديم فقد إستقدمه الخوري بطرس أبي سليمان من روما، بواسطة البطريرك الياس الحويّك. ورُسمت على جدران الكنيسة أيقونات بريشة كنعان ديب الذي رسم أيقونة مار جرجس القديمة،سنة ١٩٠٤. سنة ٢٠٠٦ رُمّمت الكنيسة.

The church of St George - Ghalboun

The first parochial church was built in the Hawsh area. With the expansion of the village in the beguiling of the XIXth century the locals decided to build their new church over an old hermitage dedicated to St George. The hermitage was built over a Persian Achaemenid watch tower. The church’s western wall still holds a stone from the old tower with Achaemenid engravings: a tiger and a lotus. The church was decorated with frescoes and a painting of St George by Kanaan Dib in 1904. The old marble altar was brought from Rome by Fr. Boutros Abi Sleiman with the aid of Patriarch Elias Howeyck. In 2006 the church was restored.

Kousba – Hamatoura Monastery

Hamatoura Monastery, Karm Saddeh, Lebanon

دير رقاد السيدة - حمطورة




On the northern side of the village of Kousba, is the monastery of Our Lady of Hamatoura, built in the rocky hollow of a high cliff which overlooks the holy valley of Kadisha. Hamatoura is 84km from Beirut.

The church of Saint Jacob is the most ancient part of the monastery, belonging to the 4th century, while a large cross from the 7th century rises above the outer doorway. Some quite well preserved frescoes dating back to the middle ages cover the walls of the church, one of which shows the Holy Virgin, Queen of Heaven, seated on a throne with the Child Jesus on her knees.

Near the monastery are two venerable churches, one dedicated to Saint Michael and the other to Saint John the Baptist. On the top of the hill one can see the church of St. George. Close by the monastery is a rocky cave where one may perceive the base of a stalagmite, where barren women come to pray in the hope of bearing a child, for this grotto was dedicated to the pagan goddess of fecundity.

Late in the 13th century, at Our Lady Monastery in Hamatoura, Saint Jacob began his ascetic life. Later, when the monastery was destroyed by the Mamlukes, he reestablished monasticism along the perimeter of the ruined monastery. In time, he rebuilt the monastery, regenerating and giving renewed vigor to monastic life in the area. His spiritual briskness, vivacity, and popularity among believers drew the attention of the Mamelukes who set their minds to stop his verve and determination and force him to convert to Islam. He stubbornly refused their relentless pressures. The Mamlukes killed him and burned the church. Today, believers and pilgrims are constantly reporting his apparitions, miraculous healings and other Grace-filled deeds.

Mrouj – The church of St Thecla

Mar Takla Church, Mrouj, Lebanon

كنيسة مارت تقلا



Mount Lebanon

كنيسة مارت تقلا - المروج

الكنيسة مبنيّة أوائل القرن الثامن عشر، تسلّمتها الرهبانيّة اللبنانيّة المارونيّة سنة ١٧٩٢، وكانت الكنيسة متهدّمة فرممّتها، وقامت بخدمة شركاء آل أبي اللمع المسيحيّين. سنة ١٨٢٩ وسّع الرهبان بناء الكنيسة التي أخذت شكلها الحاليّ سنة ١٩٢٩: نمط بازيليكيّ مسقوف بسوقٍ واحد. للرهبانيّة أنطش بالقرب من الكنيسة تتابع من خلاله النشاط الرعويّ والرسوليّ. تضمّ الكنيسة العديد من اللوحات والأعمال الفنيّة القديمة والحديثة من مدارس مختلفة، أهمّها لوحة القدّيسة تقلا لحبيب سرور.

The church of St Thecla - Mrouj

The first church was built in the early XVIIIth century, and was given as a donation to the Lebanese Maronite Order in 1792 to restore it and give pastoral care to the maronite subjects of the Abi Al Lamah lords. In 1829 the monks enlarged the church and it took its current form in 1929: a single roofed nave basilical plan. The Order built a presbytery near the church and serves the parish spiritual needs. The church is decorated with many old and new works of art from different schools, the most important being the painting of St Thecla behind the altar.