Yammouneh – The church of our Lady of Yammouneh

كنيسة سيدة اليمونة - Lady of Yammouneh Church, Yammoune, Lebanon

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كنيسة سيّدة اليمونة




كنيسة سيّدة اليمونة - اليمونةأواسط القرن التاسع عشر حمت السيّدة شخصًا من آل ياغي من الغرق فنذر بناء كنيسةٍ لها في اليمونة. الكنيسة صغيرة بعقدٍ مصالبٍ. تشتهر هذه الكنيسة بكونها مقامًا عجائبيّّا يقصده المسيحيّون والشيعة للتبرّك.The church of our Lady of Yammouneh - YammounehIn the mid XIXth century a man from the Yaghy clan was saved from drowning with the miraculous intercession of Our Lady. He dedicated himself to build a church in Yammouneh as an act of thanksgiving. The church is small with a crossed vault. The shrine is considered holy for both christians and Shias, and it is an important pilgrimage site for both religions.

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The Church of our Lady of the Rosary
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When Abdalla Qaraaly became bishop of Beirut he made it his Cathedral, where he promulgated the rosary devotion.
The church is famous for its paintings, especially its main one: The Virgin Mary portrayed as an oriental lady with the child in her hands, handing the rosary to Sts Catherine and Dominic, with the rosary mysteries on her sides.

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Ouata El-Jaouz


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كنيسة مار يوسف - وطى الجوز
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