Sahel Alma – The monastery of Our Lady of the milk

sahel aalma

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دير سيّدة البزاز

Sahel Aalma


Mount Lebanon

دير سيّدة البزاز - ساحل علما بنى الدّير الشيخ عاد صخر الخازن سنة ١٧٢٠ وجعله للراهبات العابدات. واتّبعت عابداته قانون الراهبة هنديّة قبل إلغاء رهبانيّتها. بقي الدّير حتّى منتصف القرن العشرين يضمّ بنات وأرامل العائلة الخازنيّة اللواتي خصّصن حياتهنّ للصلاة. واليوم هو وقفٌ خاص للعائلة. كنيسته صغيرة بعقدٍ مصالب، تضمّ لوحة العذراء المُرضعة وهي رومانيّة المصدر. The monastery of Our Lady of the milk - Sahel Alma The monastery was built by Sheikh Aad Sakher el Khazen in 1720, who gave it to the cloistered nuns that followed the rules of Mother Hendiyé Ajaimi before her order was dissolved. The monastery housed until the mid XXth century the daughters and the widows of the Khazen family who consecrated their lives to religion. The monastery is now a private possession of the Khazen family. The church is a crossed vault structure holding a roman painting depicting the blessed mother feeding the Lord.

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The church of our Lady of Perpetual Help - Maalaka Zahle

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Mount Lebanon

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The hill of Sharfe was a property of the Khazen feudal lords. In 1754 the parcel of land was sold to the monk Joseph Maroun from Tripoli to build a school. After he was elected Syriac patriarch in Mardin, Mor Ignatius Jarwe proclaimed communion with the Roman Catholic Church. For this, he was then persecuted and obliged to leave his homeland. He finally settled in Charfe and bought the old school transforming it into a patriarcal seat bringing in an icon of Our Lady of Deliverance from Jerusalem. Since then the monastery became a patriarcal seat with a school and a seminary.