Kousba – Hamatoura Monastery

Hamatoura Monastery, Karm Saddeh, Lebanon

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دير رقاد السيدة - حمطورة




On the northern side of the village of Kousba, is the monastery of Our Lady of Hamatoura, built in the rocky hollow of a high cliff which overlooks the holy valley of Kadisha. Hamatoura is 84km from Beirut. The church of Saint Jacob is the most ancient part of the monastery, belonging to the 4th century, while a large cross from the 7th century rises above the outer doorway. Some quite well preserved frescoes dating back to the middle ages cover the walls of the church, one of which shows the Holy Virgin, Queen of Heaven, seated on a throne with the Child Jesus on her knees. Near the monastery are two venerable churches, one dedicated to Saint Michael and the other to Saint John the Baptist. On the top of the hill one can see the church of St. George. Close by the monastery is a rocky cave where one may perceive the base of a stalagmite, where barren women come to pray in the hope of bearing a child, for this grotto was dedicated to the pagan goddess of fecundity. Late in the 13th century, at Our Lady Monastery in Hamatoura, Saint Jacob began his ascetic life. Later, when the monastery was destroyed by the Mamlukes, he reestablished monasticism along the perimeter of the ruined monastery. In time, he rebuilt the monastery, regenerating and giving renewed vigor to monastic life in the area. His spiritual briskness, vivacity, and popularity among believers drew the attention of the Mamelukes who set their minds to stop his verve and determination and force him to convert to Islam. He stubbornly refused their relentless pressures. The Mamlukes killed him and burned the church. Today, believers and pilgrims are constantly reporting his apparitions, miraculous healings and other Grace-filled deeds.

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Hermel, Lebanon

دير مار مارون على نهر العاصي




The monastery of St Maroun on the Orontes - Hermel

The monastery was originally a natural cave consisting of three sections, it was expanded by Roman builders working in nearby stone quarries. It is situated above Ain El Zarqa, one of the sources of the Orontes River, and connected to the river via a corridor carved into the mountainside. This was used to fetch water and provide a hiding place during enemy attacks. In the VIth century, Maronite monks sought refuge in the cave after facing persecution in northern Syria, where their monastery was destroyed and its contents dispersed. The monks expanded the cave and carved an altar, turning the cave into a new monastery. This marked the beginning of the Maronite migration to the mountains of Lebanon along the Orontes River. Over time, the monastery was neglected and became an abandoned farm. In 2011, it was visited by Patriarch Bechara Boutros Al-Rahi and has since been restored in 2018, returning to the Maronite Church. The monastery serves as a testament to the spread and perseverance of the Maronite Church in the Levant.

Deir el Ahmar – The church of St Joseph

Church - Saint Joseph, Deir Al-Ahmar, Lebanon

كنيسة مار يوسف

Deir El-Ahmar



كنيسة مار يوسف - دير الأحمر

بُنيت الكنيسة سنة ١٩١٤ بعناية ملحم القزح. هي كنيسة رعائيّة مسقوفة. رمّمت أوائل القرن الحاليّ. مذابح الكنيسة الثلاث الرخاميّة وأيقونة مار يوسف محليّة الصنع. أضيفت للكنيسة قبتها أواسط القرن العشرين.

The church of St Joseph - Deir el Ahmar

The church is a parochial church built by Melhem Qozah in 1914. The structure consists of a crib vault that was restored in the beginning of this century. The church holds three marble altars and St Joseph’s icon that are locally made. The bell tower was added in the mid XXth century.

Maad – Saint Charbel of Edessa feast day

Saint Charbel Church, Unnamed Road, Lebanon

كنيسة مار شربل الرّهاوي



Mount Lebanon

كنيسة مار شربل الرّهاوي - معاد
كان شربل الرهاوي كاهنًا وثنيًّا في مدينة الرّها. تحوّل الى المسيحيّة هو واخته بارابيا واستشهد في عهد الامبراطور الروماني ديسيوس (236-250).
تقوم الكنيسة على أنقاض سابقة تعود لمعبد وثنيّ، أُنشأت عليه كنيسة بيزنطيّة؛ ثمّ أعيد بناؤها على أيام الصليبيين (القرن 12 و 13). رُمِّمت في نهاية القرن التاسع عشر.
قُسم الموعوظين هو عبارة عن مدخل أو رواق. يحوي اليوم قطعًا أثرية.
الكنيسة في الداخل مبنيّة على نمط بازيليكي يقسم صفّان من القناطر المساحة الداخليّة. قسم من البلاط قديم يعود الى المعبد الروماني كما وفتحة البئر المستديرة التي تتوسط الرواق. أمّا العقد المركزي فمزيّن برسوم زخرفية تعود الى العهد العثماني.
تنتمي الحنية السفلى الى الكنيسة الأقدم، وتحتوي على جدرانيّة تمثل مجموعة من سبعة قديسين: على جانبي الأسقف الوسطي، يمثل الرسول بطرس الى اليسار وبولس الى اليمين؛ يرافقهما الانجيليون الأربعة.
كنيسة مار شربل الرّهاوي - معاد
كان شربل الرهاوي كاهنًا وثنيًّا في مدينة الرّها. تحوّل الى المسيحيّة هو واخته بارابيا واستشهد في عهد الامبراطور الروماني ديسيوس (236-250).
تقوم الكنيسة على أنقاض سابقة تعود لمعبد وثنيّ، أُنشأت عليه كنيسة بيزنطيّة؛ ثمّ أعيد بناؤها على أيام الصليبيين (القرن 12 و 13). رُمِّمت في نهاية القرن التاسع عشر.
قُسم الموعوظين هو عبارة عن مدخل أو رواق. يحوي اليوم قطعًا أثرية.
الكنيسة في الداخل مبنيّة على نمط بازيليكي يقسم صفّان من القناطر المساحة الداخليّة. قسم من البلاط قديم يعود الى المعبد الروماني كما وفتحة البئر المستديرة التي تتوسط الرواق. أمّا العقد المركزي فمزيّن برسوم زخرفية تعود الى العهد العثماني.
تنتمي الحنية السفلى الى الكنيسة الأقدم، وتحتوي على جدرانيّة تمثل مجموعة من سبعة قديسين: على جانبي الأسقف الوسطي، يمثل الرسول بطرس الى اليسار وبولس الى اليمين؛ يرافقهما الانجيليون الأربعة.

Saint Charbel of Edessa feast day
A church dedicated to him in Maad
Charbel was a pagan priest in Edessa. He was then converted to Christianity with his sister Barabia and martyred in the days of Emperor Disios (236-250 A.D).
The church was built over an old pagan temple ruins. It was first a Byzantine church. The Crusades built it again in the 12th century. Renovations took place at the end of the 19th century.
As one enters the Church, he'll find a nartex with some artifacts. The church is built in a basilical form, divided into two rows of arches. Some of the tiles along with a circular well belong to a roman temple. Some decorative elements that date back to the Ottoman period fill the main vault.
The main apse belongs to the old church, and it contains a fresco depicting a bishop surrounded by Saints Peter and Paul and the four Evangelists.