Hrajel – The church of Our Lady of the Rosary

Our Lady Of The Rosary, Hrajel, Lebanon

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كنيسة سيّدة الورديّة



Mount Lebanon

كنيسة سيّدة الورديّة - حراجلعام ١٧٢٢، بُنيَت كنيسة سيّدة الورديَّة على أنقاض معبدٍ وثنيّ. وفي العام ١٨٢١، بُنيَت كنيسةٌ أكبر حول الكنيسة القديمة. ولـمّا انتهى البناء هُدمَت الكنيسة القديمة، وكان ذلك في العام ١٨٦٢. العام ١٩٥٥ وُسِّعت الكنيسة وأُضيف عليها قسمٌ جديدٌ وأصبَحَتْ على ما هي عليه اليوم. اللوحة التصويريّة من عمل كنعان ديب الدلبتاوي.The church of Our Lady of the Rosary - HrajelIn 1722 the first church was built over the ruins of a pagan temple. In 1821 a bigger structure surrounded the old church and totally replaced it in 1862. In 1955 the church took its final form. The painting over the main altar is the work of Kanaan Dib.

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The old St George’s church - Sarba

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كنيسة مار جرجس

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كنيسة مار جرجس - عمارة شلهوب

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St. George Church - Amaret Chalhoub

The late Salloum Bessoul donated the land for the building of the Maronite Church of St. Maron (at that time), and Archibishop Neematullah Selwan granted permission for its construction. The construction of the Church of St. George the Great was completed around 1900/1901 from the funds of the parishioners, with the appointment of the first trustee in 1900 and the registration of the first baptism in 1901, as well as the appointment of the first priest to serve in it in 1902. The ceiling was damaged during the Lebanese war and was hastily restored and painted. During the second restoration of the church in 2017, the original ceiling paintings were rediscovered.