Bherdok – The Monastery of St George

Convent St Georges Bherdok, Unnamed Road, Lebanon

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دير مار جرجس



Mount Lebanon

دير مار جرجس - بحردقبُني الدّير سنة ١٦٥٤ بسعي الأب يوسف الرامي، وانتقلت الراهبات إلى الموضع الحالي سنة ١٧٤٤. شُيّدت الكنيسة سنة ١٧٥٠. أواسط القرن التاسع عشر وسّع المطران يوسف جعجع الدّير وجعله كرسيًّا لأبرشيّة قبرص، وجعله بعد سنة ١٨٧٠ مقرًّا لكهنة الأبرشيّة بإذن الكرسيّ الرسوليّ. تحوّل الى مدرسة أقفلت بعد الحرب العالميّة الأولى، بعدها أقفل وترك مهملاً. دشّنه بعد الترميم البطريرك نصرالله بطرس صفير في ٢٥ حزيران سنة ٢٠٠٠.The Monastery of St George - BherdokThe first monastery was built with the efforts of Fr Youssef El Ramy in 1654. Nuns relocated to the current building in 1744. The church was accomplished in 1750. In the middle of the XIXth century, Archbishop Youssef Geagea enlarged the building and made it the seat of the eparchy of Cyprus. After year 1870 he made it a residence to the diocesan priests by a decree from the Holy See. After that it was converted to a school that was shut down after World War I, and then was left to abandon. The monastery was renovated and rededicated on the 25th of June 2000 by later Patriarch Nasrallah Boutros Sfeir.

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Saydet Maaounet, Baalbek, Lebanon

أنطوش سيّدة المعونات




أنطوش سيّدة المعونات - بعلبك

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The presbytery of our Lady of Perpetual Help - Baalbek

In 1859, Father Daniel Al-Hadathi acquired a piece of land near the Citadel of Baalbek from the governor of the city, Suleiman Harfush, to build a church and a presbytery for the monks. In 1870, the church was built and consecrated, and it became the Maronite parish in the city. The church is basilical with one nave and a crib concrete vault. The painting of the lady is drawn by Daoud Al Qorm. The presbytery was abandoned during the Lebanese war from 1984 to 1995. When the monks returned, they restored the buildings so that they could continue their pastoral duties.

Hassroun – The church of St Laby the Apostle

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كنيسة مار لابي الرسول




كنيسة مار لابي الرسول - حصرون

بحسب أحد التقاليد بنى الملك حصرائيم (الذي منه اسم بلدة حصرون) قصرًا وهيكلًا في هذا الموضع تحوّل في الجيل الرابع إلى كنيسةٍ على اسم مار لابي وهو اللقب السريانيّ ليهوذا الرسول. بني القسم الشرقيّ من الكنيسة في القرن الثالث عشر، وأضيف سنة ١٧٧٠ القسم الغربيّ. أخذت الكنيسة شكلها مع الصليبيّين، وهي عقد سريريّ منخفض بحنية واحدة. تضمّ الكنيسة مجموعةً من اللوحات التي تعود للقرن الثامن عشر وهي مزيج بين الأيقونة المشرقيّة وفنّ عصر النهضة.

The church of St Laby the Apostle - Hassroun

According to a folk tale, king Hassraym (from whom derived the name Hassroun) built a palace and a temple that was converted in the IVth century into a church dedicated to the apostle Laby (the syriac title given to Thaddeus or Jude). The eastern aisle was built in the XIIIth century. In 1770 the western aisle was built. During the crusaders era the church took its form, a single nave crib vaulted structure beneath the road. The church holds many XVIIth century paintings that are a representation of the local iconography being influenced by the art of the renaissance.