Enfeh – The Church of St Catherine

St. Catherine Church, Anfeh, Lebanon

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كنيسة القدّيسة كاترينا




كنيسة القدّيسة كاترينا – أنفهكنيسة القدّيسة كاترينا كنيسة أرثوذوكسيّة بنيت هذه إبّان الحملة الصليبيّة الثالثة في القرن الثاني عشر بحسب الفنّ الرومانيّ، وكرّست على اسم القبر المقدّس. كانت الكنيسة تابعة لفرسان مالطا. في القرن السابع عشر رُمّمت الكنيسة وسَمّاها السكان على اسم القدّيسة كاترينا. تحوي الكنيسة عدّة أيقونات أهمّها أيقونة القدّيسة كاترينا التي رسمها بوليخرونيوس الكريتي أوائل القرن التاسع عشر.The Church of St Catherine - EnfehThe Greek Orthodox church of St Catherine was built in the XIIIth century during the third Crusade according to the romanesque architectural style, and was dedicated to The Holy Sepulcher. The church was a vassal to the Knights of St John of Malta. During the XVIIth century the church was restored and rededicated to St Catherine. The church holds many icons the most important one being that of St Catherine dating back to the early XIXth century, it is the masterpiece of the Cretan iconographer Polychronius.

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Ibrin – The Holy Family’s convent

Holy Family Convent - Congregation of Maronite Sisters of the Holy Family, Aabrine, Lebanon

دير راهبات العائلة المقدّسة المارونيّات




دير راهبات العائلة المقدّسة المارونيّات - عبرين

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The Holy Family’s convent - Ibrin

1896 was a pivotal year for Mother Rosaly the new superior general of the new Maronite congregation of the Holy Family, as the nun moved from Boutros Shehade’s school in Jbeil to the farm estate of Waked el Shikhany in Ibrin. In his diaries Bishop Elias Howayek (later Venerable Patriarch) relates how the money for the purchase was due to the Divine Providence’s intercession. Bishop Howayek transformed with the nuns the estate into a convent with a school and a beautiful church with stained glass windows, and a crypt with Youssef el Howayek’s frescoes (the only Lebanese art deco style paintings). The crypt is also the resting place of Patriarch el Howayek. Since its construction, the convent became the mother house of the Holy Family’s nuns and they are widely known as the Nuns of Ibrin.

Qornet el Hamra – The church of the Sacred Heart

Sacré Coeur Church, Qornet El Hamra, Lebanon

كنيسة قلب يسوع

Qornet El-Hamra


Mount Lebanon

كنيسة قلب يسوع - قرنة الحمرا

بُنيت الكنيسة سنة ١٩٠٠ على طرازٍ هندسيّ بازيليكيّ بسوقٍ وحنية واحدة، هندسها الرهبان اليسوعيّون. عمل على زخرفتها ونقشها الياس فاعور من المصيطبة ورسم جداريّاتها يوسف الحويّك. سنة ١٩٢٠ إستُقدم لها المذبح الرخاميّ. زيدت القبّة في الثلاثينات. رُمّمت الكنيسة مؤخرًا وزُيّنت بالزجاجيّات.

Thé church of the Sacred Heart - Qornet el Hamra

The church was built in 1900. The architectural plan was a single naved basilica, the design was made by the Jesuits. The church was decorated by Elias Faour, the frescoes where painted by Youssef el Howeyk. In 1920 a marble high altar was set inside the church. In the 1930’s the bell tower was added. The church was recently restored and the stained glass windows where added.