Deir el Qamar – Our Lady of The Annunciation

Saydet Al Talle Church, Deir El Qamar, Lebanon

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كنيسة سيّدة البشارة لأخويّة الحبل بلا دنس - دير القمر


Deir El-Qamar


Mount Lebanon

تأسّست أولى الأخويّات المريميّة في دير القمر سنة ١٧٦٩، وبنى أعضاؤها كابيلّا سيّدة البشارة سنة ١٧٧٧ في حارة الخندق. رُمّمت سنة ١٨٢٢. ومع إعلان عقيدة الحبل بلا دنس سنة ١٨٥٤ كُرّس التمثال الجديد والأخويّة لإكرام سيّدتنا مريم العذراء البريئة من دنس الخطيئة الأصليّة، وأصبحت هذه الكنيسة تحتفل بيوم ٨ كانون الأوّل عيدًا لها. شهدت هذه الكنيسة إجتماع رجالات دير القمر ليلة مجازر ١٨٦٠. تتميّز الكنيسة كونها حافظة لذاكرة إحدى أقدم أخويّات لبنان، وهندستها الشرقيّة التي تمثّل العهد المعنيّ بمدخلها والدار التي تتقدّمها.The first Marian Confraternity was founded in Deir el Qamar in 1769, and this chapel was founded by the members in 1777, in the Al Khandak neighborhood. The church was restored in 1822. In 1854, and with the proclamation of the Immaculate Conception dogma, a Marian statue was brought to the church and all of the confraternity was consecrated to the Immaculate Mother. Since then, the church became a shrine for the Immaculate Conception and its feast day became on the 8th of December. The church was the witness to the last reunion of Deir el Qamar’s men on the night of 1860’s massacre. This church is a memorial of one of Lebanon’s oldest confraternities. The architecture is one of the rarest models of the Maan’s era with a decorated portico and a frontal patio

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Bcharre – The old monastery of Prophet Elishah

Saint Elisha the Prophet, Bcharre - Tannourine Road, Lebanon

دير مار أليشاع القديم




دير مار أليشاع القديم - بشرّي

يقع الدير في وادي قنّوبين على السفح أسفل مدينة بشرّي. أولى الإشارات لوجوده تعود لسنة ١٣١٥، حين كان الدير مقرًّا لأساقفة بشرّي.
سنة ١٦٤٣، قطنه الرهبان الكرمليّون وهم أوّل إرساليّة أجنبيّة خدمت الموارنة. سنة ١٦٤٤، توفّي فيه برائحة القداسة، الناسك الفرنسيّ فرانسوا دي شاستوي. سنة ١٦٩٥، تسلّمت الرهبانيّة الحلبيّة اللبنانيّة الناشئة الدير من اهالي بشرّي، فأعاد الرهبان بناءه، وأقاموا فيه مدرسةً، وجلبوا من حلب أيقونة مار أليشاع. في ١٠ تشرين الثاني ١٦٩٨ إنعقد فيه أوّل مجمع للرهبانيّة، وفيه وُضع القانون الرهبانيّ الذي ثبّته فيما بعد البابا أقليمنضوس الثاني عشر وأهدى بدوره الدّير بيت قربانٍ وذخيرة مار مارون. أصبح الدّير محبسةً بعد بناء الدّير الجديد سنة ١٨٧٤، وكان آخر حبسائه الأب أنطونيوس طربيه (+١٩٩٨). وهو اليوم محجّ ومقصد للعزلة والصلاة.

The old monastery of Prophet Elishah - Bcharre

The monastery is situated in the holy valley of Qannoubin, on a cliff underneath the city of Bcharre. The oldest signs of it’s existence date back to 1315 when it was the seat of Bcharre’s bishops.
In 1643 it was the headquarters of the Carmelites, the first western missionaries to the Maronites.
In 1644 the saintly hermit Francois de Chasteuil died and was buried in the monastic church.
The newly founded Lebanese Aleppan Maronite took the monastery as it’s headquarter in 1695 and bought the icon of Prophet Elishah from Aleppo. On the 10th of November 1698 the first monastic council was held and the new monastic rules where promulgated. They where later acknowledged by Pope Clement XII who gave the monastery a tabernacle and a relic of St Maroun.
The monastery was used as a hermitage after the construction of the new monastery in 1874. The last of the hermits was Father Antonios Torbey (+1998). The monastery is now a shrine for pilgrims who seek solitude.

Enfeh – Deir Saydet el Natour

Deir Saydet el Natour, Hraiche, Lebanon

سيدة الناطور




The convent’s ancient origin is attached to a legend. A rich man of the region committed adultery; filled with remorse, he attached a padlocked iron chain to his ankle and threw the key into the sea-shore and survived on the fish brought to him by local fishermen, who called him the guardian of the cavern. One day, a fisherman brought him a fish, in whose entrails the hermit found the key of the padlock. He knew then that God had delivered him from his suffering, and he built a convent above the cavern. He dedicated it to The Mother of God, but it also took the name of the Guardian.

The daily life of the convent is regulated by the flow of visitors who come to fulfill vows and make prayers. Sister Catherine al-Jamal is the principal resident of Dayr al-Natour, and she has done everything within her power to restore it.

According to the Crusader document, the Monastery of the Presentation of Our Lady Natour was built by Cistercians. Indeed, the Church interior resembles that of the Cistercian Church of Balamand, built in 1157. Otherwise, the history of Dayr al-Natour is hidden in obscurity, although it is said that the local Orthodox community took it over after the departure of the Crusaders. Its name is almost unmentioned by historical sources during the Mamluk and most of the Ottoman period, although it is reported that French corsairs attacked the Monastery at the beginning of the eighteenth century and killed a monk.

In 1838, the Ottoman authorities gave permission to the Monastery to be rebuilt. In the second half of the nineteenth century, it contained several monks and a superior, and it possessed fifteen dunums of land. During the First World War, it was bombarded by a Russian ship. A few years later, the Monastery lost its last Superior, Basilios Debs, who became Archbishop of Akkar. After his departure, monastic life ended at Dayr al-Natour.

During the twentieth century, the deserted monastery became a refuge for shepherds from the neighboring regions. In 1973, Sister Catherine al-Jamal moved to Dayr al-Natour and began to restore it from its ruin.

Reshdebbin – The church of St Jacob the Persian

مار يعقوب المقطع, Rechdebine, Lebanon

كنيسة مار يعقوب المقطّع




كنيسة مار يعقوب المقطّع - رشدبّين

كنيسة صغيرة تعود من حيث الهندسة والشكل إلى العصر البيزنطيّ وتقع بقرب المعبد الرومانيّ. تتألف من عقد سريريّ بحنيةٍ واحدة. يشكّل الجزء الأماميّ من الكنيسة قسم للموعوظين. ومار يعقوب هو قديّس فارسيّ من القرن الرابع، كان فارسًا نبيلاً، ولم يجحد إيمانه فنال إكليل الشهادة.

The church of St Jacob the Persian - Reshdebbin

A small church near the old roman temple. It dates back to the Byzantine era according to its architecture. The church consists of a crib vaulted ceiling ending with a single apse. The frontal part is occupied by a narthex. St Jacob was a Persian third century noble knight who suffered martyrdom so he wouldn’t recant his faith.