Ban – The church of Our Lady of the fields

Saydet El-Hakleh, Ariz, Lebanon

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كنيسة سيّدة الحقلة




كنيسة سيّدة الحقلة - بانبنيت سنة ١٨٨٣ كما تشير البلاطة التذكاريّة. هي كابيلا صغيرة تابعة للرعيّة بجانب المدافن تتألف من سوق واحد ينتهي بالمذبح. زيد عليها قنطرة المدخل والقرميد أواخر القرن العشرين. لوحتها من صنع أوروبي تعود لسنة ١٩٢٣.The church of Our Lady of the fields - BanThe church was built in 1883 as it is shown by the epitaph. The church is a small chapel near the cemetery. It consists of one nave ending with the altar. A gateway and a tiled roof were added at the end of the XXth century. The painting is imported from Europe and dates back to 1923.

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Church Mar Maroun, Tripoli, Lebanon

كنيسة مار مارون

Trablous Ez-Zahrieh



كنيسة مار مارون - طرابلس

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The church of St Maroun - Tripoli

The church was built in 1956 during the pontificate of Archbishop Antoun Abed. It was designed by the italian architect Pierre Ariconi according to a latin cross basilical plan with a transept and a dome. The church holds a bell tower with a clock on the western front. The church interior has a neo gothic style with carrera marble altars made by the Chabtiny association from Tripoli. The church aslo holds western style church furnishings. The building was restored in 2001 during the pontificate of Archbishop Youhanna Fouad el Hajj.

The valley of Mazabeh Hadsheet – The Hermitage of St Chalita

كنيسة مار شليطا, Hadchit, Lebanon

محبسة مار شلّيطا




محبسة مار شلّيطا - وادي المذابح حدشيت

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The Hermitage of St Chalita - The valley of Mazabeh Hadsheet

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