Obeidat – The church of St Eusebius

Saint Eusebius Church, Aabeidat, Lebanon

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كنيسة مار أوسابيوس



Mount Lebanon

كنيسة مار أوسابيوس - عبيداتبُنيت الكنيسة الحاليّة سنة ١٨٨٩ بسعي الخوري يوسف نصر فوق مقامِ أقدم كان بدوره بُني مكان هيكلٍ وثنيّ ما زالت آثاره ظاهرة في البناء: وهي كناية عن حجرٍ يحوي كتابة يونانيّة وبعض الأعمدة. أمّا تسمية الكنيسة مار أوسابيوس فنادرة لأن الموارنة غالبًا ما نادوه بلقبه السريانيّ حوشب. تشتهر الكنيسة بوجود جحر للنذورات، فمار اوسابيوس شفيع المصابين بالثآليل. تضم الكنيسة لوحة محليّة لمار حوشب مجهولة الراسم.The church of St Eusebius - ObeidatThe current church was built in 1889 under the mandate of Fr. Youssef Naser over an older shrine, that was built over a pagan temple with some of its ruins still visible: some columns and an epitaph with greek inscriptions. The dedication of the church to St Eusebius is unique because the maronites usually call him by his Syriac attribute Hawsheb meaning the wise one. The church is famous for being a pilgrimage site for people with warts. The church holds a local icon of the saint drawn by an unknown painter.

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كنيسة مار سركيس وباخوس, Kfar Aabida, Lebanon

كنيسة مار سركيس وباخوس

Kfar Aabida



كنيسة مار سركيس وباخوس - كفرعبيدا
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The church of Sts Sergius and Bacchus - Kfarabida

The church was built over an older one in 1913, according to a neo romanesque style with a heptagonal bell tower. In 1988 the church and the place were renovated and stained glass windows decorated the building. The church contains an old painting of Sts Sergius and Bacchus by Kanaan Dib dating back to year 1844.

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كنيسة سيّدة الورديّة الدلغانة

Deir El-Qamar


Mount Lebanon

كنيسة سيّدة الورديّة الدلغانة - دير القمر

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The church of Our Lady of the Rosary El Delghane - Deir el Qamar

The church was built in the third decade of the the XVIIIth century. The construction was concluded in 1760 under the supervision of Fr Matta el Hakim from Aleppo who was the personal doctor of Deir el Qamar’s princes. Adjacent to the church stands a small chapel dedicated to our Lady of Mercy dating back to the second half of the XIXth century. The church holds many paintings inculding Our Lady of the Rosary by Kanaan Dib dating back to 1864 and St Joseph by Najib Chukry dating back to 1910.

Bjerrin – The church of St Elias

Bjerrine, Kour El Howa, Lebanon

كنيسة مار الياس



Mount Lebanon

كنيسة مار الياس - بجرّين
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The church of St Elias - Bjerrin

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