Reshdebbin – The church of St Jacob the Persian

مار يعقوب المقطع, Rechdebine, Lebanon

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كنيسة مار يعقوب المقطّع




كنيسة مار يعقوب المقطّع - رشدبّينكنيسة صغيرة تعود من حيث الهندسة والشكل إلى العصر البيزنطيّ وتقع بقرب المعبد الرومانيّ. تتألف من عقد سريريّ بحنيةٍ واحدة. يشكّل الجزء الأماميّ من الكنيسة قسم للموعوظين. ومار يعقوب هو قديّس فارسيّ من القرن الرابع، كان فارسًا نبيلاً، ولم يجحد إيمانه فنال إكليل الشهادة.The church of St Jacob the Persian - ReshdebbinA small church near the old roman temple. It dates back to the Byzantine era according to its architecture. The church consists of a crib vaulted ceiling ending with a single apse. The frontal part is occupied by a narthex. St Jacob was a Persian third century noble knight who suffered martyrdom so he wouldn’t recant his faith.

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The Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help - Haret el Mir, Zouk Mikael

It was built using building stones that were originally purchased by Sheikh Abbas el Khazen in 1850 for the construction of his mansion. However, during the peasant revolution of 1858, a group of revolutionaries led by Elias el Mnayyar confiscated the stones and used them to build a cross-vaulted church. As the stones were used to build a parochial church, no one could claim ownership over them. The church features many locally made paintings and was renovated at the end of the 20th century.

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The church was first built in the 17th century over the ruins of a roman temple by Fr. Yard of Hadshit. During the 19th century the church was rebuilt by Fr. Mikhael el Khoury Younes in 1899. The three main paintings were done by Dawoud al Qorm, The murals are more recent from the mid 20th century by Malek Chehaiber Tawk. 

El Hajje – The Church of Our Lady of Mzaar

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كنيسة سيّدة المزار - الحجة

بُنيت الكنيسة أواخر القرن الثامن عشر مع قدوم المسيحيّين إلى البلدة، وكانت كنيستهم الأساسيّة. تعرّضت للسلب خلال أحداث سنة ١٨٦٠. أُهملت الكنيسة بعد بناء كنيسة مار يوسف وسط البلدة، وأعيد ترميمها مؤخّرًا. الكنيسة مبنيّة بأسواقٍ ثلاث أفقيّة على نمط العليّة في البيت اللبنانيّ مسقوفة بالخشب وقد أُضيفت إليها قبّة صغيرة وقت الترميم.

The Church of Our Lady of Mzaar - El Hajje

The church is the original parochial church of the village, built during the late 18th century. It was sabotaged during the war of 1860 and remained abandoned after the construction of St. Joseph's Church in the village center. However, it has been recently restored. The structure of the church resembles that of a cenacle in a traditional Lebanese house, with three horizontal aisles. A dome was added to the structure during the restoration.