Qornet el Hamra – The church of the Sacred Heart

Sacré Coeur Church, Qornet El Hamra, Lebanon

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كنيسة قلب يسوع

Qornet El-Hamra


Mount Lebanon

كنيسة قلب يسوع - قرنة الحمرا بُنيت الكنيسة سنة ١٩٠٠ على طرازٍ هندسيّ بازيليكيّ بسوقٍ وحنية واحدة، هندسها الرهبان اليسوعيّون. عمل على زخرفتها ونقشها الياس فاعور من المصيطبة ورسم جداريّاتها يوسف الحويّك. سنة ١٩٢٠ إستُقدم لها المذبح الرخاميّ. زيدت القبّة في الثلاثينات. رُمّمت الكنيسة مؤخرًا وزُيّنت بالزجاجيّات. Thé church of the Sacred Heart - Qornet el Hamra The church was built in 1900. The architectural plan was a single naved basilica, the design was made by the Jesuits. The church was decorated by Elias Faour, the frescoes where painted by Youssef el Howeyk. In 1920 a marble high altar was set inside the church. In the 1930’s the bell tower was added. The church was recently restored and the stained glass windows where added.

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مار يعقوب المقطع, Rechdebine, Lebanon

كنيسة مار يعقوب المقطّع




كنيسة مار يعقوب المقطّع - رشدبّين

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Fradis – The church of St Roch

Fradis, Lebanon

كنيسة مار روكز




كنيسة مار روكز - الفراديس

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The church of St Roch - Fradis

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Dmalsa – The Church of St. Nouhra (Logius) and St. Sophia

Saint Nohra and saint sophia (مار نوهرا), Kfar Mashoun, Lebanon

كنيسة مار نوهرا ومارت صوفيا

Kfar Mashoun


Mount Lebanon

كنيسة مار نوهرا ومارت صوفيا - دملصا

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The Church of St. Nouhra (Logius) and St. Sophia - Dmalsa

It is a double-choired church that dates back to the Byzantine era. The church holds cross engravings and the remains of medieval frescoes. From this church, two patriarchs were given to the Maronite community: Youhanna Dmolsawi in the VIIIth century and Ermia Dmolsawi (1282-1297). The church was restored in 1999.