Qartaba – Our Lady of Herezmeny

Our Lady Of Herezmeny Church, Qartaba, Lebanon

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كنيسة سيّدة الحرزمانة - قرطبا




Mount Lebanon

بنيت سنة ١٨٢٧ عندما نزح آل كرم من يانوح الى قرطبا وطلبوا بناء كنيسة من مشايخ آل حمادة الذين أذنوا بناء كنيسة في الحرزمانة أي في المكان عينه حيث جرى الوفاق حيث كانت توجد بقايا رومانيّة. وبُنيت بالعونة بين أهالي قرطبا. بُنيت الكنيسة على مرحلتين وتصالبت أسواق العقد بشكل L وأُلغي الباب القديم أواخر القرن التاسع عشر. اللوحة من عمل كنعان ديب الدلبتاوي سنة ١٨٣٢. The church of Our Lady of Herezmeny - QartabaThe church was built in 1827 when the Karam family moved from Yanouh to Qartaba. The family made a deal with the sheikhs of the Hamade family to build a church in the Herezmeny land where stood some roman ruins. The church was built with the villagers' voluntary work and effort. In the late 19th century a vault was added to the main building that ended up with an L shape. The painting is the work of Kanaan Dib and dates back to 1832

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Saint Maroun Church, Haiyatah, Lebanon

كنيسة مار مارون



Mount Lebanon

كنيسة مار مارون - حياطة

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The Church of St Maroun - Haiyatah

The villagers constructed the parish church of St Maroun in 1880. The structure is a cross-vault building. It was consecrated by Bishop Youhanna El Hage (later Patriarch) whose face, due to his serenity, served as a model for that of St Maroun when the painting was created by Habib Srour. The church also features an Annunciation painting by Fr Moussa Dib from Dlebta. The church underwent restoration in 2008.

Amshit – The church of St Barbra

كنيسة بربارة - عمشيت St Barbara Church z Amshit, Qataah, Lebanon

كنيسة القدّيسة بربارة



Mount Lebanon

كنيسة القدّيسة بربارة - عمشيت

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The church of St Barbra - Amshit

The structure served as a roman temple, it was consecrated in 1847. The church is a crib vault, it was enlarged in 1904 and restored in 1988. The church holds a local icon for the martyr. Near the church are three wells for the three families that came first to Amshyt.

Bqorqasha – The church of St Nouhra

Bqerqacha, Lebanon

كنيسة مار نوهرا




كنيسة مار نوهرا - بقرقاشا

بُنيت الكنيسة سنة ١٩٠٩ في عهد البطريرك الياس بطرس الحويك، لتصبح الكنيسة الرعائيّة لضيق الكنيسة القديمة. البناء كناية عن عقدٍ مصالبٍ، بنتهي بحنية وثلاث مذابح: مار نوهرا والسيّدة ومار يوسف. في وسط الكنيسة مذبح لمار جرجس. الكنيسة محافظة على طابعها الأوّل وهي تمثل فنّ أوائل القرن العشرين. للكنيسة مدخلين مزخرفين للرجال والنساء. تضم الكنيسة عددًا من اللوحات أهمّها لمار نوهرا وهي محليّة الصنع.

The church of St Nouhra - Bqorqasha

The church of St Nouhra (Logius the martyr) was built in 1909 during the pontificate of patriarch Elias Boutros El Howayek, after the local parish became too small for the community. The structure consists of a crossed vault ending with three altars: St Nouhra, the Madonna, and St Joseph. In the middle of the church stands a side altar dedicated to St George. The church conserves the original decor of the early XXth century. The church has two ornamented entrances to separate men and women’s seating places. It also holds many paintings the most important being a local icon of Saint Nouhra.