Lehfed – The monastery of St Eusabius of Caesarea

كنيسة مار حوشب, Lehfed, Lebanon

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دير مار حوشب



Mount Lebanon

دير مار حوشب - لحفددير مار حوشب يقع شرقيّ البلدة. وهو عِبارة عن كَهف في الشير المُسمَّى شير العاميّة. بُنيَ الدير في القَرن الثاني عشر، إذ اختار البطريرك يوحنا اللِحفِدي أحد أساقفته الأربعة للإقامة فيه. وللدّير ثلاث صوامع متعلقة به وهي اليوم آثار.The monastery of St Eusabius of Caesarea - LehfedThe monastery is located in the eastern side of the village, like the old monasteries of the Qadisha valley. It is a cave inside a cliff called El Aamlyeh. The monastery dates back to the XIIth century, when Patriarch John of Lehfed appointed one of his four bishops as it’s head.

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Qozhaya – The Monastery of St. Anthony the Great

دير مار أنطونيوس الكبير قزحيا - الرهبانية اللبنانية المارونية, دير مار أنطونيوس قزحيا، Aarbet Qozhaiya, Lebanon

دير مار أنطونيوس الكبير

Aarbet Qozhaiya



دير مار أنطونيوس الكبير – قزحيَّا

يقع الدير في وادي قزحيَّا (الكنز الحيّ). يرجِّح المؤرِّخون تأسيس هذا الدير، في أوائل القرن الرابع. في الدّير آثار من تأسيسه أهمّها عصا رعاية من الملك لويس التاسع. سنة ١٢١٥ بعث البابا إينوشنسيوس الثالث، براءة إلى البطريرك إرميا العمشيتيّ تذكِّر بأنَّ دير قزحيَّا هو أوَّل كرسيّ أسقفيّ مارونيّ. كان الدير، منذ القديم، ركيزة الحياة النسكيَّة في الكنيسة المارونيَّة. بقربه قامت عدّة محابس تابعة له. وتجدر الإشارة إلى أنَّ أوَّل مطبعة وصلت إلى الشرق كانت في دير قزحيّا سنة ١٦١٠. تَسلَّمت الرهبانيَّة اللبنانيَّة الدير، سنة ١٧٠٨. حَلَّت بالدير نَكبات من الطبيعة؛ ونكبات من جور المضطهِدين. سنة ١٨٢٨ بُنيت كنيسة الدّير الحاليّة. في أثناء الحرب العالميَّة الأولى، قام الدير بإيواء جميع الوافدين إليه وإعالتهم. يضم الدّير العديد من الآثار، أخذ شكله الحاليّ في عشرينيّات القرن الماضي ورمّم في آخره. هو من أهمّ الأديار المارونيّة، ومركزًا للحجّ والخلوة

The Monastery of St. Anthony the Great - Qozhaya.

The Monastery sits on a cliff in the valley of Qozhaya (meaning the treasure of life). According to archeologists, the monastery dates back to the 4th century. Evidence of its importance includes a cross given by King Louis IX and a bull from Pope Innocent III, dating back to 1250, which granted Qozhaya precedence over other Maronite monasteries. Qozhaya had a hermitical tradition, and as a result, many hermitages were built near it. In 1610, the first printing press of the Middle East was brought to Qozhaya. In 1708, the Lebanese Maronite Order acquired the monastery. The monastery has suffered from natural disasters and the despotism of rulers. In 1828, a great church was built. During World War I, the monastery served as a refuge. In the 1920s, the monastery took on its current structural shape, and was restored in the 1990s. It is considered a major pilgrimage site for Maronites around the world.

Kousba – Hamatoura Monastery

Hamatoura Monastery, Karm Saddeh, Lebanon

دير رقاد السيدة - حمطورة




On the northern side of the village of Kousba, is the monastery of Our Lady of Hamatoura, built in the rocky hollow of a high cliff which overlooks the holy valley of Kadisha. Hamatoura is 84km from Beirut.

The church of Saint Jacob is the most ancient part of the monastery, belonging to the 4th century, while a large cross from the 7th century rises above the outer doorway. Some quite well preserved frescoes dating back to the middle ages cover the walls of the church, one of which shows the Holy Virgin, Queen of Heaven, seated on a throne with the Child Jesus on her knees.

Near the monastery are two venerable churches, one dedicated to Saint Michael and the other to Saint John the Baptist. On the top of the hill one can see the church of St. George. Close by the monastery is a rocky cave where one may perceive the base of a stalagmite, where barren women come to pray in the hope of bearing a child, for this grotto was dedicated to the pagan goddess of fecundity.

Late in the 13th century, at Our Lady Monastery in Hamatoura, Saint Jacob began his ascetic life. Later, when the monastery was destroyed by the Mamlukes, he reestablished monasticism along the perimeter of the ruined monastery. In time, he rebuilt the monastery, regenerating and giving renewed vigor to monastic life in the area. His spiritual briskness, vivacity, and popularity among believers drew the attention of the Mamelukes who set their minds to stop his verve and determination and force him to convert to Islam. He stubbornly refused their relentless pressures. The Mamlukes killed him and burned the church. Today, believers and pilgrims are constantly reporting his apparitions, miraculous healings and other Grace-filled deeds.

Tannourin el Fawka – The monastery of St Challita

Saint Challita Church, Tannourine El Faouqa, Lebanon

دير مار شلّيطا

Tannourine El-Faouqa



دير مار شلّيطا - تنوّرين الفوقا

من أقدم كنائس تنّورين، يرجّح البعض أن يكون البناء في الأصل هيكلاً وثنيًّا. الكنيسة مزدوجة بمذبحين: مار شليطا ومار جرجس، دلالة على أنّ الكنيسة تعود لأواسط العصر البيزنطيّ. دير مار شليطا يحوي نقوشًا مميّزة: صليب العاموديّين، الصليب الورديّ، والنجوم المثمّنة والمسدّسة. جرسها من عمل فارس النفّاع سنة ١٩٤٤. في الكنيسة لوحتين غير موقّعتين لمار جرجس ومار شليطا تعودا لما قبل القرن السادس عشر.

The monastery of St Challita - Tannourin el Fawka

It is one of the oldest churches in Tannourin, and used to be a pagan temple according to some sources. The double choir indicates that the structure dates back to the mid Byzantine era. The monastery of St Chalyta is finely built with rare encrypted geometric shapes on the apses : the rose cross, the cross of the stylite, the six and the eight pointed stars... The bell is done by of Fares el Nafah in 1944. In the church are two paintings for St Challita and St George dating back to the XVIth century and not signed.