Jeita – The convent of St Elias el Ras

Mar Elias El Ras Monastere (Church), Mazraat El Ras, Lebanon

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دير مار الياس الراس



Mount Lebanon

دير مار الياس الراس – جعيتاتأسّس الدّير في مزرعة الراس بعد جلاء المماليك عن كسروان. عام ١٧٠٤ كان الدّير بعهدة القسّ بطرس صفرونيوس الحاقلانيّ من زوق مصبح، الذي ترهّب فيه مع رهبانه العبّاد.قرّر المجمع اللبنانيّ المنعقد سنة ١٧٣٦ إلغاء الأديار المزدوجة، وفصل أديار الرهبان عن أديار الراهبات، وشدّد على أن يكون للراهبات قانون خاصّ. عند الإنتقال إلى مرحلة تطبيق مبدأ الفصل إتّفق القاصد الرسوليّ يوسف السمعانيّ مع المطران عبدالله قراعلي، على إنشاء دير قانونيّ يكون مثالًا وقدوة لسائر أديار الراهبات في دير ما الياس الراس. وهكذا آل الدير إلى الرّهبانيّة اللبنانيّة المارونيّة.باشر الرهبان، بعد استلام الدّير، بناء كنيسةٍ ودير مخصّص لسكن راهبات محصّنات فبني الدّير الجديد مع كنيسته الكبيرة. فُتحت أبواب الدير في ٦ كانون الثاني ١٧٤٠. ولا يزال إلى اليوم واحة صلاةٍ وتأملٍ، ومزارًا يقصده المؤمنون من كلّ حدبٍ وصوب.The convent of St Elias el Ras - JeitaThe convent was built in the farm of El Rass after the Mamluks left Keserwan. In 1704 the convent was under the custody of Boutros Safronius el Haklany, a monk from Zouk Mosbeh. In 1736 the Lebanese Council dictated that nunneries shall be separated from monks' monasteries, thereby abolishing mixed monasteries, and giving nuns their own convents and rules. When it was time to apply the new rules, Monsignor Youssef El Semaany, the papal nuncio, and Bishop Abdallah Qaraaly, decided to give St Elias’s convent to the nuns of the newly formed Lebanese Order. It was decided to build a new convent suitable for contemplative nuns with a big church. The new convent was consecrated on the 6th of January 1740, and is still a haven for prayer and meditation, and a shrine for all pilgrims.

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sahel aalma

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Sahel Aalma


Mount Lebanon

دير سيّدة البزاز - ساحل علما

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The monastery of Our Lady of the milk - Sahel Alma

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Hammana – The church of St. Raymond (Roumanos)

St Romanos Church, Unnamed Road, Lebanon

كنيسة مار رومانوس



Mount Lebanon

كنيسة مار رومانوس - حمّانا

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The church of St. Raymond (Roumanos) - Hammana

The church was built in the beginning of the XVIth century by the villagers of Hadshit who resided in Hammana and imported the devotion towards their patron saint Raymond. In 1723 the church took its current form: a crossed vault with an apse. The church was enlarged in 1783. In 1825 Pope Leo XII gave the privilege to the church's altar. In 1860 the church was damaged during the civil war. The altar was reconsacrated in 1873 by Mgr. Nematullah Selwan. During the second decade a bell tower with a clock was added. In 1936 Patriarch Antoun Arida visited the church. In 1999 the church was restored. The church holds many ecclesiastical artifacts: a tabernacle with a baldaquin, western style paintings, and a painting of Saint Raymond inspired by the one in Hadshit by Najib Hatem dating back to 1922.

Kfarsghab – The church of St Augustin

St. Augustine, Unnamed Road, Ehden, Lebanon

كنيسة مار أغوسطينوس




كنيسة مار أغوسطينوس - كفرصغاب

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The church of St Augustin - Kfarsghab

An old medieval church dating back to the Middle Ages. In 1598 the council of Dai'at Moussa was held in it, presided by Patriarch Youssef El Rezzi, and proclaimed many liturgical renovations such as the adoption of the Gregorian calendar. The church laid in ruins for a long time, until it was renovated in 2007.