كنيسة المخلص - حمّاتابُنيت الكنيسة سنة ١٩٠٥ بموجب اتفاق بين عائلتي أبي يونس وعاد يعود ل٢٨ تشرين الأوّل سنة ١٩٠٢، صادق عليه المطران نعمةالله سلوان. بنيت الكنيسة على مراحل كما تشهد المداميك البارزة في جدرانها. كرّس الكنيسة الخورأسقف يوسف الحايك سنة ١٩٣٩. الكنيسة كناية عن عقدٍ مصالب مرتفع، تنتهي بحنية مستقيمة ومذبح، رمّمت أواخر القرن العشرين. للكنيسة قبّتين للجرس إحداها مثمّنة الأضلاع والأخرى مربعة. تحوي الكنيسة على ثلاث لوحات من عمل داوود القرم تُمثّل التجلي والسيّدة ومار يوسف.The church of the Holy Savior - HammanaIn 1902 an accord to build a church was concluded between the two families of Abi Youness and Aad, it was promulgated by Bishop Nematullah Selwan on the 28th of October. The construction ended in 1905. The church was consecrated by Chorbishop Youssef el Hayek in 1939. The structure consists of a crossed vault with three straight apses and three altars. The church was renovated in the late XXth century. The building is ornated with two bell towers one octagonal and the other squared. The church holds three paintings by Dawood el Qorm depicting the Transfiguration, the Madonna and St Joseph.
سنة ١٧٠٨ وصل ثلاثة رهبان أرمن إلى لبنان لتأسيس رهبانيّة أرمنيّة، فأوقف لهم الشّيخ صخر الخازن، أراضًا في وادي غوسطا سنة ١٧١٦. فأنشىء الرهبان إكليريكيّة وامتدّ بناء الدير والكنيسة إلى سنة ١٧٣٣. سنة ١٨٦٥ اشترى الخوري يوحنّا حبيب (المطران لاحقًا)، الدّير من الرّهبان الأرمن حيث انتقل هؤلاء إلى بزمّار، وأسّس جمعيّة المرسلين اللّبنانيّين في الدّير مع العديد من الكهنة وفي مقدَّمهم الخوري إسطفان قزاح، الرّئيس العام الأوّل. إهتمّ الكريميوّن ووسّعوه.. وقد كان هذا الدّير ملجأً للعديد من المهجّرين والمشرّدين والجياع والهاربين من ظلم السّلطات العثمانيّة. خضع البناء لعدّة عمليّات ترميم كان آخرها سنة ٢٠١٣. كان الدّير مركزًا للرّئاسة العامّة للجمعية حتّى العام ١٩٢١، وهو حاليًّا ديراً للابتداء، توجد فيه كنيسة المُخلّص وتحوي لوحةً زيتيّةً قديمة،، تدعى "الثّالوث المتألّم"، ولوحة أخرى أرمنيّة للميلاد. وفي الكنيسة أيضًا مدافن عائدة إلى كلّ من المطران يوحنّا الحبيب مؤسّس الجمعيّة، والخوري اسطفان قزاح رئيسها العام الأوّل، والمطران شكرالله خوري، .
The Holy Savior Monastery - Kreim Ghosta
The monastery was established in 1708 by three Armenian monks who arrived in Lebanon with the intention of creating an Armenian monastic order. Located in Wadi Ghosta, Lebanon, the monastery's history is intertwined with various events and figures over the centuries. In 1716, Sheikh Sakhr al-Khazen granted the Armenian monks lands in Wadi Ghosta, enabling them to establish their monastic order. The construction of the monastery and church complex took several decades, finally extending until 1733. It served as a seminary, providing education and spiritual guidance to the community. Fast forward to 1865, and the ownership of the monastery changed hands. Father John Habib, who later became a Bishop, purchased the monastery from the Armenian monks. With this transaction, the Armenian monks relocated to Bzommar, and Father John Habib initiated the Lebanese Missionaries Congregation within the monastery. Many priests were part of this association, and Father Stephen Qazah became its first superior general. Throughout its history, the Holy Savior Monastery played a crucial role in the local community. It served as a refuge for the displaced, homeless, hungry, and those seeking refuge from the oppression of the Ottoman authorities. The monastery experienced several periods of restoration to preserve its historical significance and structural integrity. The last restoration took place in 2013, ensuring that the monastery continued to stand as a testament to its enduring history and cultural importance. The Holy Savior Monastery, historically serving as the center of the general presidency of the association until 1921, has evolved into a monastery dedicated to novices in the present day. Nestled within its walls is the sacred Church of the Savior, housing cherished relics from the past. One of the notable treasures preserved within the church is an ancient oil painting named "The Suffering Trinity." This artwork carries profound emotional depth and holds a place of reverence within the community, reminding all who behold it of the timeless spiritual journey. Adding to the artistic splendor, another precious possession within the church is an Armenian painting depicting the Nativity. This painting enriches the spiritual ambiance of the sanctuary, reflecting the shared heritage and faith of those who seek solace and inspiration within its halls. Moreover, the church stands as a memorial to the esteemed figures who have shaped the legacy of the monastery and the association it represents. The burials of Bishop Youhanna Al-Habib, the visionary founder of the Lebanese Missionaries Association, Father Estephan Qazzah, the dedicated first general president, and Bishop Shukrallah Khoury, a revered spiritual leader, grace the church grounds. As the monastery continues to embrace novices and nurture their spiritual growth, it remains an enduring symbol of devotion, compassion, and hope. The presence of these sacred artifacts and burials serves as a constant reminder of the monastery's illustrious past and the profound impact it has had on the lives of those who seek solace and enlightenment within its sanctuary.
كنيسة مار يوحنّا المعمدان - بيت شباب هي وقف خاص لعائلة يمّين. بُنيت في مطلع القرن التاسع عشر، إذ يذكر المطران عبدالله بليبل أنّه رسم يوسف يمّين كاهنًا عليها سنة ١٨١١، الكنيسة عبارة عن عقد واحد ينتهي بحنية. جُدّدت حوالي سنة ١٨٦٣. سنة ١٩٤٢ بني الباب. رمّمت أخيرًا في مطلع الثمانينات.
The church of St John the Baptist - Beit Shabab The church is a private chapel to the Yammine family. The church was built in the early XIXth century, the oldest trace of it dates to1811 when Bishop Abdallah Bleibel ordained Youssef Yammine as a pastor for the church. The church is a single crossed vault ending with a semi circular apse. The church was restored in 1863, the door was built in 1942. The church was completely restored in the eighties of the XXth century.
كلمة شَحْلُو من السريانيّة تُشير إلى مجرى المياه. هذه المنطقة قديمًا شكلت المدخل الشماليّ للقبيّات، بنى فيها الأهالي معبدًا وثنيًّا ما لبث أن حوّلوه كنيسةً. دمّر المماليك في حملتهم الكنيسة ليبنوا برجًا للمراقبة. هذا البرج دمّره العثمانيّون بعد معركة مرج دابق سنة ١٥١٦. أواسط القرن العشرين أُعيد بناء الكنيسة بشكلها الحاليّ، مع برج ساعةٍ رُفع عليه تمثال للعذراء في تسعينيّات القرن الماضي. تُعتبر هذه الكنيسة مزارًا ومحجًّا للأهالي.
The church of our Lady of Shahlo - Kobbayat
The word Shahlo is from a syriac root referring to a water source. In ancient times the locals built a pagan temple on the site that was converted into the first church. This church was destroyed by the Mamluks who built a tower on the site that was destroyed by the ottomans after the battle of Marj Dabeq in 1516. In the mid XXth century a church was rebuilt in it’s current form, with a bell tower added in the ninties. The church is considered a votive shrine for the villagers.
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