Hammana – The church of St. Raymond (Roumanos)

St Romanos Church, Unnamed Road, Lebanon

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كنيسة مار رومانوس



Mount Lebanon

كنيسة مار رومانوس - حمّانا بنى أهل حدشيت الآتين إلى حمّانا الكنيسة الأولى بداية القرن السابع عشر، وحملوا معهم شفاعة مار رومانوس. سنة ١٧٢٣ أخذت الكنيسة شكلها الحاليّ: عقد مُصالب ينتهي بحنية. وًسّعت سنة ١٧٨٣. سنة ١٨٢٥ أنعم قداسة البابا لاوون الثاني عشر، بالغفارين للمذبح الكبير. تعرّضت للتخريب في أحداث ١٨٦٠، وكرّس مذبحها الجديد المطران نعمة الله سلوان سنة ١٨٧٣. في عشرينيّات القرن العشرين بُنيت القبّة والساعة الطنّانة. سنة ١٩٣٦ زارها البطريرك أنطون عريضة. رمّمت الكنيسة سنة ١٩٩٠. تضمّ الكنيسة العديد من المفارش البيعيّة المحليّة الصنع كبيت القربان وقبته، مجموعةً من اللوحات الغربيّة، ولوحة مار رومانوس مقتبسة عن لوحة حدشيت من عمل نجيب حاتم سنة ١٩٢٢. The church of St. Raymond (Roumanos) - Hammana The church was built in the beginning of the XVIth century by the villagers of Hadshit who resided in Hammana and imported the devotion towards their patron saint Raymond. In 1723 the church took its current form: a crossed vault with an apse. The church was enlarged in 1783. In 1825 Pope Leo XII gave the privilege to the church's altar. In 1860 the church was damaged during the civil war. The altar was reconsacrated in 1873 by Mgr. Nematullah Selwan. During the second decade a bell tower with a clock was added. In 1936 Patriarch Antoun Arida visited the church. In 1999 the church was restored. The church holds many ecclesiastical artifacts: a tabernacle with a baldaquin, western style paintings, and a painting of Saint Raymond inspired by the one in Hadshit by Najib Hatem dating back to 1922.

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أسست الكنيسة الرعائية سنة 1731 في عهد البطريرك يعقوب عواد.
الكنيسة صغيرة الحجم مبنية من عقد بسيط ينتهي بحنية. 
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Zouk Mkayel


Mount Lebanon

كنيسة مار ضومط - زوق مكايل
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The church of St Doumit - Zouk Mikael
The church was built in 1728 by Sheikh Moussa el Khazen as a private church for the Khazen family. The structure is ornate with arabesque decoration and lucarnes in the vault, blending cribbed and crossed vaults. The church was a fiefdom of the Khazen family until the uprising of the peasants between 1902 and 1904. Back then the Maronite Patriarchy made the church a parish for the people to prevent them from turning to anglicanism. Also the Patriarch Elias Howayek made a pontifical visit to the parish and gave the parish many indulgences. The church holds a lot goldsmith artifacts and paintings. The building was renovated in the eighties of the XXth century.