Daaroun – Our Lady of Deliverance

Monastery of our lady of deliverance- El Cherfeh DAroun harissa, Harissa, Lebanon

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دير سيّدة النجاة الشرفة - درعون



Mount Lebanon

كانت قمّة الشرفة تخصّ مشايخ آل خازن. وقد باعوها عام ١٧٥٤ إلى القس يوسف مارون الطرابلسي بشرط أن يبني مدرسة. بعد إنتخابه بطريركًا سريانيًّا في ماردين وهربه من الإضهاد إثر إعلانه الشركة مع الكنيسة الكاثوليكيّة، إشترى البطريرك إغناطيوس جروة دير الشرفة عام ١٧٨٦ وجعله كرسيًّا له ونقل إليه أيقونة سيّدة النجاة المقدسيّة التي رافقته في ترحاله. يُعدّ هذا الدير المقر البطريركيّ للسريان الكاثوليك، كما ويضمّ مدرسة لتعليم الأولاد وإكليريكيّة.The hill of Sharfe was a property of the Khazen feudal lords. In 1754 the parcel of land was sold to the monk Joseph Maroun from Tripoli to build a school. After he was elected Syriac patriarch in Mardin, Mor Ignatius Jarwe proclaimed communion with the Roman Catholic Church. For this, he was then persecuted and obliged to leave his homeland. He finally settled in Charfe and bought the old school transforming it into a patriarcal seat bringing in an icon of Our Lady of Deliverance from Jerusalem. Since then the monastery became a patriarcal seat with a school and a seminary.

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Bqaa Kafra



كنيسة سيّدة الإنتقال الجديدة - بقاع كفرا

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Bcharre – Our Lady Church

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كنيسة السيّدة




كنيسة السيّدة - بشرّي

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Our Lady Church - Bcharre

As the population of Bcharreh experienced a notable increase in the late eighteenth century, both the local community and the sheikhs approached Patriarch Youssef Al-Tyan with a request to construct a new church in Bcharre. Consequently, a church was erected in honor of the esteemed Virgin Mary. In order to bring this vision to fruition, two skilled builders were sourced from Aleppo to undertake the construction of the church. Subsequently, in the year 1875, Youssef Arida, a prominent clergyman in Bcharre, was appointed as the custodian of Our Lady Church. Under his stewardship, a wing was added to the existing structure on the southern side, and a school was erected on the eastern side. The principal altar within the church was generously donated by Youssef Bey Karam in 1869. Additionally, Father Anton, in his first entreaty from Mikkeleng School, contributed a crucifix that became an integral part of the church. Then, in 1970, during the reign of Patriarch Boulos Boutros Al-Maoushi, the church was reconstructed in its present form—a magnificent basilica-style edifice featuring three aisles. Notably, the gifted artist Asaad Ranno adorned the interior with captivating murals, further enhancing its aesthetic appeal.

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Mount Lebanon

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