Bekaa Kafra – The old church of Our Lady of Assumption

Church, who was baptized by St. Charbel, Bqaa Kafra, Lebanon

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كنيسة سيّدة الإنتقال القديمة

Bqaa Kafra



كنيسة سيّدة الإنتقال القديمة - بقاع كفراالكنيسة القديمة يعود تأسيسها إلى نحو سبعمئة عام، تتميّز بالصليب المثلث الأطراف الموجود على عتبة بابها الرئيسيّ، وأيقونة السيّدة التي تعود للقرن السادس عشر، وجرن العماد القديم حيث قبل مار شربل سرّه الأوّل. لم يتوقف اهل هذه البلدة يومًا عن صلاة الفرض الإلهيّ حتى خلال فصل الشتاء القارس، اذ بنوا دهليزًا تحت الارض يصل البيوت بالكنيسة، ولكنّ معظمه قد سقط.سنة ١٩٢٥ دُعِّم العقد القديم ليتحمّل الكنيسة الجديدة فوقه.The old church of Our Lady of Assumption - Bekaa KafraThe old church was built in the XIVth century, it holds a medieval three branched cross on her tympanum. The church also holds the baptismal font of St Charbel, a XVIth century icon of the Madona and ruined catacombs that the local used to get to church during harsh winters to pray the office.In 1925 the new church was built on top of the old one. To accommodate this renewal the old vault was reinforced changing the medieval allure of the old church.

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St. Mary Church - كنيسة السيدة, Wadi Jezzine, Lebanon

كنيسة السيّدة

Wadi Jezzine



كنيسة السيّدة - وادي جزّين

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The church of Our Lady - Wadi Jezzine

The first church was built in the XVIIIth century, it was a small church with a wooden ceiling, on a plot of land donated by Sheikh Bachir Joumblat. The church was miraculously saved from being burned in 1840, and was hidden by a thick fog from the eyes of the aggressors during the war of 1860. In 1890 the church took its final shape with a stone vaulted ceiling. the church was finally completed in 1903. The church holds two paintings of the Virgin Mary: an XVIIIth century icon , and another one from 1901 by Elias Asmar Karam.

Deir El Ahmar – The Church of Our Lady of the Tower

Our Lady of The Tower Maronite Church, Deir Al-Ahmar, Lebanon

كنيسة سيّدة البرج

Deir El-Ahmar



كنيسة سيّدة البرج - دير الأحمر

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The Church of Our Lady of the Tower - Deir El Ahmar

The Romans built a temple dedicated to Jupiter in Deir El Ahmar. During the High Middle Ages, the temple was converted into a three-storey military tower, but today only the first storey remains. In the 10th century, Jacobite monks used the site as a monastery. In 1759, an earthquake struck the region and destroyed the old church of Our Lady. The people of Deir el Ahmar then decided to build a great cross-vaulted church on the foundation of the tower. The church was dedicated in 1843 and underwent renovation in 2017. The church is home to a manuscript library and two Marian paintings by Kanaan Dib and Dawoud el Qorm. La Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Torre - Deir El-Ahmar Los romanos construyeron un templo dedicado a Júpiter en Deir El-Ahmar. A principios de la Alta Edad Media, el templo se convirtió en una torre militar de tres pisos, de la cual actualmente solo queda el primer piso. En el siglo X, los monjes jacobitas utilizaron el sitio como monasterio. En 1759, un terremoto azotó la región y destruyó la antigua iglesia de Nuestra Señora. La gente de Deir el-Ahmar decidió entonces construir una Iglesia de grandes dimensiones con bóveda de crucería sobre los cimientos de la torre. La iglesia fue consagrada en 1843 y se renovó en 2017. La iglesia alberga una biblioteca de manuscritos y dos pinturas marianas de Kanaan Dib y Dawoud el Qorm.

Ballouneh – The church of St Anthony of Padua

Saint Antoine, Ballouneh, Lebanon

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Mount Lebanon

كنيسة مار أنطونيوس البادوانيّ - بلّونة

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The church of St Anthony of Padua - Ballouneh

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