Aramoun – The Monastery of St. Rouhana is located in Al Baqi’a

Monastère St. Rouhana Aramoun, Aaramoun, Lebanon

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دير مار روحانا البقيعة

Aaramoun Aaley


Mount Lebanon

دير مار روحانا البقيعة - عرمون سنة ١٧٠٣ جاء قرار بناء دير مار روحانا، وكان ديرًا مشتركًا للرهبان والعابدات، في موضع مدرسةٍ قديمة لتعليم الأحداث على اسم السيّدة. وسّعه البطريرك طوبيّا الخازن ليكون مقرًّا له خلال إقامته في كسروان. سنة ١٧٧٥ ترهّب في الدير قيس بن رامح الخازن وهو المطران جرمانوس الخازن رئيس أساقفة دمشق. في ٢٥ أيلول ١٨٢٦ فصل البطريرك يوسف حبيش الرهبان عن الدير. رُمّم الدير على عدّة مراحل آخرها سنة ٢٠١٦ حين كُرّس المذبح الجديد. الدير وقف بعناية آل زوين تحت ولاية البطريركيّة المارونيّة. The Monastery of St. Rouhana is located in Al Baqi'a - Aramoun. In 1703, a decision was made to build a joint monastery for monks and nuns on the site of an old school dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Patriarch Tobia El Khazen renovated it to use as his residence during his stay in Keserwan. On September 25, 1826, Patriarch Youssef Hobeish separated the monks from the monastery. The monastery underwent several stages of renovation, with the last one in 2016 when the new altar was consecrated. The monastery is under the jurisdiction of the Maronite Patriarchate and is entrusted to the care of the Zwein family.

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كنيسة مار يوسف

Ouata El-Jaouz


Mount Lebanon

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The church of St Joseph - Wata el Jawz
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كنيسة سيّدة شحلو - القبيّات

كلمة شَحْلُو من السريانيّة تُشير إلى مجرى المياه. هذه المنطقة قديمًا شكلت المدخل الشماليّ للقبيّات، بنى فيها الأهالي معبدًا وثنيًّا ما لبث أن حوّلوه كنيسةً. دمّر المماليك في حملتهم الكنيسة ليبنوا برجًا للمراقبة. هذا البرج دمّره العثمانيّون بعد معركة مرج دابق سنة ١٥١٦. أواسط القرن العشرين أُعيد بناء الكنيسة بشكلها الحاليّ، مع برج ساعةٍ رُفع عليه تمثال للعذراء في تسعينيّات القرن الماضي. تُعتبر هذه الكنيسة مزارًا ومحجًّا للأهالي.

The church of our Lady of Shahlo - Kobbayat

The word Shahlo is from a syriac root referring to a water source. In ancient times the locals built a pagan temple on the site that was converted into the first church. This church was destroyed by the Mamluks who built a tower on the site that was destroyed by the ottomans after the battle of Marj Dabeq in 1516. In the mid XXth century a church was rebuilt in it’s current form, with a bell tower added in the ninties. The church is considered a votive shrine for the villagers.

Deir el Qamar – The Cross

كنيسة الطوباوي، (ابونا يعقوب), Deir El Qamar, Lebanon


Deir El-Qamar


Mount Lebanon

الصليب - دير القمر

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The Cross - Deir el Qamar

In 1929 Blessed Fr Jacob Haddad OFM, decided to build a cross on a hill called Qalaat Sour in Deir el Kamar. His ambition was lead by a desire to have a cross raised over all those who died in the war of 1914 without a proper burial, and that the cross would be facing the town of Baakline to be a sign of the Lord’s love and mercy towards its citizens. To accomplish this noble project, the bishop of Sidon Mgr Agustin el Boustany donated the land. A small chapel was built and over it the cross was raised. To help with the project, 14 families from the town donated to build the stations of the cross. The shrine was inaugurated and consecrated on the 14th of September 1932. The shrine was sabotaged during the civil war and restored during peace times.