Amshit – The church of Our Lady

Notre dame de amchit - كنيسة السيدة عمشيت, Aamchit, Lebanon

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كنيسة السيّدة



Mount Lebanon

كنيسة السيّدة - عمشيتبُنيت الكنيسة الأولى أواسط القرن العاشر وكان يطلق عليها إسم سيّدة البيدر. سنة ١٧٨٢ بُنيت الكنيسة الحاليّة. سنة ١٩٠٠. أُفيم في الكنيسة بيت القربان الرخاميّ ووضعت لوحة سيّدة الإنتقال. سنة ١٩٥٨ رمّمت الكنيسة ووُسّعت آخذة شكلها الحاليّ بعدما أُزيلت من داخلها الشواهد والقبور. رُمّمت الكنيسة أواخر القرن العشرين وهي كناية عن عقد مُصالب ينتهي بحنية.The church of Our Lady - AmshitThe first church was built in the middle of the Xth century and was known by our Lady of the field. In 1782 the current church was built. In 1900 the marble tabernacle and the painting of the Assumption were brought. In 1958 the church was restored and all of the tombs and the shrines where removed. The church was renewed in the latter part of the XXth century. The structure consists of a crossed vault ending with an apse.

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كنيسة سيّدة الحرزمانة - قرطبا




Mount Lebanon

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The church of Our Lady of Herezmeny - Qartaba
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كنيسة مار ضوميط

Michmich Jbayl


Mount Lebanon

كنيسة مار ضوميط - مشمش

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The Church of St. Doumit - Mechmech

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كنيسة سيّدة المعونات ساقية المسك




Mount Lebanon

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The church was built in 1812, and consecrated by Bishop Elias Mhaseb in 1841. The Campanile was built in 1910 with the donations of the village’s diaspora. The painting of the Madona over the high altar is a copy of the Madona Sistina of Raphael. The church is rich in icons, and the vault is covered in frescoes painted by I. Roukos in 2012.