Ashkout – The monastery of Sts Peter and Paul

Aachqout, Lebanon

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دير مار بطرس وبولس



Mount Lebanon

دير مار بطرس وبولس - عشقوتبنى البطريرك بولس مسعد الدّير في النصف الثاني من القرن التاسع عشر، وجعله مركزًا بطريركيًّا له إبّان حبريته. استقدم للكنيسة تمثالين رخاميّين والأواني من روما، مع مجموعة من اللوحات الصغيرة. أمّا اللوحة الكبيرة فوق المذبح وسط الكنيسة، فهي من عمل داود القرم. بعد وفاته، دُفن البطريرك في الكنيسة، وأوقف الدّير لعائلة مسعد. تحوّل في فترةٍ من الزمن إلى مدرسة، والآن يخوض عمليّة ترميم لإبراز قيمته التاريخيّة.The monastery of Sts Peter and Paul - AshkoutThe monastery was built in the second part of the XIXth century by patriarch Boulos Massaad, and he resided in it during his pontificate. The patriarch acquired for the church two roman marble statues of Sts Peter and Paul, and many paintings. The great painting over the high altar is by Dawoud El Qorm. After the death of the patriarch the monastery became in the possession of the Masaad family, it was converted into a school for a while and now it is undergoing a restoration plan to bring out the historical value of the place.

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دير الصليب ومحابس مار بسكوان ومار سلوان




دير الصليب ومحابس مار بسكوان ومار سلوان - وادي حولات حدشيت

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The Monastery of the Holy Cross and the hermitages of Sts Beskwan and Silwan - The valley of Houlat Hadsheet

The monastery of the Holy Cross is a medieval monastery in the Holy Valley. The main church is a double apse structure decorated by byzantine frescoes with Syriac inscriptions depicting on one apse the apostles and on the other the Annunciation. On the northern wall there is a fresco of the crucifixion from the Syriac school of iconography, most probably a reproduction of Rabbula’s miniatures. The frescoes are in dire condition due to time and sabotage. In the cliff of the mountain near the monastery stand two hermitages: St Beskwan the patron of the preparation for death to the people of Hadsheet and St Silwan the athonite.

Ibrin – The Holy Family’s convent

Holy Family Convent - Congregation of Maronite Sisters of the Holy Family, Aabrine, Lebanon

دير راهبات العائلة المقدّسة المارونيّات




دير راهبات العائلة المقدّسة المارونيّات - عبرين

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The Holy Family’s convent - Ibrin

1896 was a pivotal year for Mother Rosaly the new superior general of the new Maronite congregation of the Holy Family, as the nun moved from Boutros Shehade’s school in Jbeil to the farm estate of Waked el Shikhany in Ibrin. In his diaries Bishop Elias Howayek (later Venerable Patriarch) relates how the money for the purchase was due to the Divine Providence’s intercession. Bishop Howayek transformed with the nuns the estate into a convent with a school and a beautiful church with stained glass windows, and a crypt with Youssef el Howayek’s frescoes (the only Lebanese art deco style paintings). The crypt is also the resting place of Patriarch el Howayek. Since its construction, the convent became the mother house of the Holy Family’s nuns and they are widely known as the Nuns of Ibrin.

The Valley of Houlat Hadshyt – The Church of Mart Shemouny

كنيسة القديسة شمونة, Hadchit, Lebanon

كنيسة مارت شموني




كنيسة مارت شموني - وادي حولات حدشيت

يُشَكِّل وادي حولات، جزءًا من وادي قاديشا.
بنيت كنيسة مارت شموني داخل تجويفٍ صخري، أواخر القرن الثاني عشر. تتألف من ثلاثة أسواق، إثنان أساسيّان مبنيان من الحجر والثالث محفور في الصَخر. كانت حتى ثمانينيّات القرن الماضي مَكسّوة بجداريات سريانيّة تعود للقرن الثالث عشر وتتشابه مع نظيراتها في بحديدات. على أبوابها نقوش مسيحانيّة ومريميّة.

The Church of Mart Shemouny- the valley of Houlat Hadshyt

The valley of Houlat is a part of the Qadisha valley. The church of Mart Shemouny was built in a rocky cliff, at the end of the XIIth century. It consists of three aisles: the two main ones are built with stone masonry, and the third is carved into the stone. Up until the 80’s the church was entirely covered by frescoes similar to those in Behdeidat. On the door are still visible Christological and Marial insignia.